
Segregation and Racism in the USA

  • 9983 BCE

    Native American settled in America

    When the Native Americans settled in America
    Native Americans are believed to have descended from northeast Asia, arriving over a land bridge between Siberia and Alaska some 12,000 years ago and then migrating across North and South America.
  • 9983 BCE

    Native Americans settled in America

    A study of skulls excavated from the tip of Baja California in Mexico suggests that the first Americans may not have been the ancestors of today's Amerindians, but another people who came from Southeast Asia and the southern Pacific area.

  • Jan 1, 1000

    Leif Erikson discovers America

    Leif Erikson discovers America
    Leif Erikson was a Christian man who was given the misson to spread Christianity to Greenland. However, he ended up in Newfoundland, Canada. Erikson tried to settle down, but he was driven away by the Native Americans. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leif_Erikson Photo:
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    500 years after Leif Erikson, in 1492, an Italian man named Christopher Columbus arrived Bahamas. He thought he had found a new way to Asia, but what he had really discovered was America. So Columbus was not the first European to discover America, but because of him the Europeans started to colonize America.
  • Mar 13, 1500

    The First Slaves

    In the beginning of the 1500s, the first European colonial conquerors took slavery to a new level. First, they used Native Americans as slaves, but as they died, they had to bring slaves from Africa.
  • Mar 13, 1500

    The First Salves part 2

    America had huge uncultivated fields and a lot of resources and products that they didn`t have in Europe. A lot of European settlers created plantation to utilize these resources and bring them back home to Europe. At this time, American economy was very bad. The European settlers needed as cheap manpower as possible. The slaves were sold and treated like objects.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    The Emancipation Proclamation was an order by U.S. President Abraham Lincoln to free slaves in 10 states. It applied to slaves in the states still in rebellion in 1863 during the American Civil War. It did not actually immediately free all slaves in those states, because those areas were still controlled by the Confederacy. It did, however, free at least 20,000 slaves immediately.
  • When slavery was abolished

    Slavery was abolished after the Civil War (1861-1865). Of that time, Abraham Lincoln was president. He fought with the Northern states and against the Southern states. The south wanted to separate from the north, because they did not want the slavery to end. At the end of the War the south had to realise they was beaten, and Abraham Lincoln wrote the Emancipation Proclamation that claimed that the southern states had to free their slaves.
  • When slavery was abolished part 2

    Although slavery was illegal, many still treated coloured people badly. It would take many, many years before we could say that USA was an united nation.

    Today, slavery is still illegal, it has never been so many slaves as it is now. :'(
  • Jim Crow Laws

    After the Civil War, the Southern states still wanted a society based on a white supremacy. The Jim Crow-laws was several laws, which lasted from 1876 to 1965. This laws said that public areas should be separated in two parts. One part for the white ones and one part for the black ones. The "white-parts" had often better standard and facilities.
  • What was the Civil Rights Movement?

    The Civil Rights Movement was an organization from 1954-1968. They worked hard for gaining equal rights for the Afro-Americans. They're known for their non-violent protests and if someone attacked them, they would not fight back. The Civil Rights Movement's leader was no other than Martin Luther King Jr. It was King who had the famous speech in 1964; I have a dream.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    Brown V. Board was an epoch-making juridical judgement in 1954, which established a prohibition against separated schools in the US
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks was an Afro-American woman who was born in 1913 and died in 2005. In 1955, she was known standing up against a white man, because she would move from her seat on the bus and she sat in the white's section. She said she was tired of being treated as a second-rated citizen. Parks got arrested, and this aroused Martin Luther and his organization's interest. Many Afro Americans started to boycott the buses, and the government had to remove the segregation rules on the bus.
  • Freedom Riders

    Freedom Riders was a group of activists in the late 60s. They organized non-violent protests against the segregation in the USA.
  • Civil Rights Act

    The Civil Rights Act (1964) was a federal law that authorized federal action against segregation in public accommodations, public facilities, and employment. The law was passed during a period of great strength for the civil rights movement, and President Lyndon Johnson persuaded many reluctant members of Congress to support the law.
  • Voting Rights Act

    The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was a law, which made it easier for African-Americans and non-English speaking citizens to vote. In some parts of the United States, people were forced to pay a poll tax or take a literacy test before being allowed to vote. This process kept many African-Americans from voting. The Voting Rights Act made all of those practices illegal. This decision was a result of all the oppressed people who protested against the system.
  • Barack Obama part 2

    The black ones weren`t "qualified". All the Afro-Americans needed an Afro-American leader who understood their situation. In 2008, an Afro-American man called Barack Obama announced himself as presidential candidate. Against all odds, he won and became president of the United States. This was a victory for all the Afro-Americans who had dedicated their lives in the fight for their rights. Barack Obama got re-elected in 2012.
  • Barack Obama

    After a long time with suppression of the Afro-Americans, they had slowly got more and more rights and respect in the society. The Afro-Americans managed this through demonstrations, protests, drive and patience. Also at this time, there were a lot of people with racist attitudes. The president of the United States had always been a white man.
  • Donald Trump

    In the United States, a president can not stay as president for more than eight years. In 2016, it was therefor time for a new election. Barack Obama was very popular among most of the American people, but there were also a lot who did not like him. They thought that he decided to use money at the wrong purposes.
  • Donald Trump part 2

    The people who did not believe in the climate changes were also against Obama. In the recent years, the terrorist-group IS had ravaged around in the whole Europe. This did also that someone wanted a stricter entry-policy. One of the candidates at this election, was Donald Trump.
  • Donald Trump part 3

    He did not believe in climate change and thought that all Muslims were potential terrorists. Trump got a lot critic and was compared with Hitler by his statements. Although, he surprisingly won the election. At the time when racism was at its lowest, the United States got a president who talk overbearing
    about people with an other origin than his own. Donald Trump considered as the most unpopular president of all time, and that is not without reason.