Sport day

Sports School day

By MsHanna
  • Introducing our sport

    Introducing our sport
    Let's start writing a brief description of the sport.
  • Period: to

    How we do it

    Group-work. We work with our partners.
    Stormboard; Canva. Tools to plan and create our project.
  • What do we need?

    What do we need?
    The second step is describing the equipment needed to practise our sport and where it is practised.
  • Sport Rules

    Sport Rules
    It is time to write the rules of the sport. What must and mustn't be done.
  • Main competitions and relevant figures

    Main competitions and relevant figures
    Which are the main competitions?
    Introduce relevant figures (male and female athletes).
  • Oral presentation

    Oral presentation
    Today is the day! Let's present our sport to our classmates.