Teddy Roosevelt's life

  • Date of birth

    Date of birth
    Manhattan in New York City, NY
  • Creates a museum

    Creates a museum
    Creates "Roosevelt Museum of Natural History" in his bedroom
  • Education

    Teddy was home schooled from preschool until his senior year of high-school
    He attended Harvard college in 1876 and studied natural history and science
  • Education

    he attended Columbia Law School during 1880
  • first child was born

    first child was born
    Ethel Carow, was born on 8/13/1891
  • governorship

    he was the 33rd governor of New York City for two years
  • Vice President

    Vice President
    He was the vice president for William McKinley
  • First term

    First term
    Teddy Roosevelt became the 26 president in 1901
  • won the Nobel Peace Prize

    won the Nobel Peace Prize
    He get the prize for ending the Russo-Japanese War he secured the route and began construction of the Panama Canal. He established several wildlife reserves, national forests, and national monuments during his presidency.