Sing ho! Please visit my gif archive!
*D+J Marry
*Ron buys Gene a children's book about a hedgehog who wants to be a dad
Birthday Vlog: January 28, 2012 (2012-02-02)
Ron: “It’s a story about a husband and a wife, and the father, and the husband, wants to become a father so badly that he wishes he could just have any boy, even if it was half hedgehog. And then he gets a boy that’s half hedgehog.” Gene: “Be careful what you wish for.” -
*DKRIII comes home from work to peel apples
Vlogidays 2012 (November 21): Bake, Bake, Bake 13:40
discussed here
Buys her nieces OTT Christmas outfits. -
Period: to
*Spring 2013: commence conception JOURNEY
Stops drinking. “What to Expect Before You’re Expecting” is spied in a vlog. -
*Drunk DKRIII Genefends
Discusses financials ~20 minutes in: "it took me a long time to get her comfortable with spending money” and "We do what we can for charity. Most of ours is focused on our immediate family—people that we love and care about."
watch here -
*First Moss grandchild born
Suze announces the event via email.
Gene is suddenly aware of her biological clock.
From vlogs around this time: "…DKRIII mentioned how a switch flipped in Gene in 2013 about having kids and suddenly it was all she could talk about. Every since that video I’ve thought the switched flipped due to Gene having FOMO."
discussed here -
*Hasn’t felt like herself the past few months
Viewers have noticed she’s posting less.
“Tea & Talk with Jen (September 2013) (2013-09-19)” -
*DKRII (Ron's dad) sells his fintech company
date approximate -
*DKRIII starts NC job
*“Tea & Talk with Jen (Vlogidays / December 16, 2013)”
Period: to
*Early 2014: “the poop hits the fan”
“The past 5-6 weeks of my life have been really really tough...Some things in my personal life that I don't feel comfortable sharing...maybe I will at some point in the future... it just so happened that I took a big step back from sharing so much of my private life with you right before the poop hit the fan so to speak."
Let's people think it's a miscarriage.
https://thegossipbakery.forumcommunity.net/?t=59180162 -
*Ron buys Gene a new LV
Waiting for her when she gets home from an acupuncture appointment.
https://gurugossiper.com/viewtopic.php?p=780851#p780851 -
Period: to
*D+J do Italy
*Pregnant with Teets
Date approximate.
Wakes Ron at 5:30a with the news. -
*DKRIII’S 1st back surgery
“…my week was consumed by my husband, Ron’s decision to have back surgery. This wasn’t something he had planned on or even considered before last Tuesday.” -
*DKRIII is back on his feet
Running the house -
*Gene throws out her back
Turns out it was the day of her first ultrasound. -
Period: to
*Rebrand shoot
Drags DKRIII and the mop to Ohio for her first, but not last, half-hearted rebrand. http://www.viewpure.com/Wj5Mxvn99FU?start=0&end=0 -
*Announces first pregnancy
"I'm Pregnant! | Preconception Journey & First Trimester Recap | July 13, 2015"
Discusses cervical mucous. -
*“Couple's Q&A | First Half of Pregnancy”
Ron is losing weight to address his back pain. Gene is helping by eating things that don’t adhere to his diet.
12:30 Gene is defensive re:homemade baby food: “I plan on making that.”
Ron points out she doesn’t cook otherwise. But also: “You’re just making mush.” Eeeek.
15:45 his job is low intensity; doesn’t see that changing for several years: “Being a dad is going to be my #1 priority.”
Gene retains her “child-like wonder”. Ron agrees.
Video -
*Teets is born
*She was contemplating divorce for YEARS, you guys
*Attempts to sabotage the Moss Mother's Day brunch
*Fewer DKRIII sightings
*Ron Moss named CEO of family business
*Claims to be happy
Illustrated by photo Ron took of her in Utah.
One Little Word | 2017 Album Flip Through & 2018 Prep posted January 9, 2018 -
*“Softened the rigidness forming in her relationships”
One Little Word | 2017 Album Flip Through & 2018 Prep posted January 9, 2018 -
*“Do you want me in the picture?”
EmasculatedLikeRon -
*Gene finally has an excuse to meet the princesses
*Learns she’s pregnant with DKRIV
OLW 2017 flip through/1st trimester recap -
*Rates her marriage 4 out of 10 in BuJo
Feels called to share in "Bullet Journal (Not So) Newbie | One Year In" posted 9/28/18 -
*Sells Ron’s bar and other furniture
To turn front living room into playroom
discussed here. Bakery agrees she’s pregnant. -
*Announces 2nd pregnancy
Surprise, she conceived immediately.
“Three years is really healthy age gap - there are some statistics behind that…but I figured two was fine.” Was it though?
Bursts into tears when she learns she is having a boy.
Is donating Teets’s baby things.
video -
*Feeling unsupported and isolated
In Utah, of all places. Date approximate.
OLW 2017 flip-through -
*Forced to haul holiday bins upstairs by herself
Damn DKRIII and his back. Makes minimal effort to decorate for Christmas despite her commitment to “creating magic” for herself and Teets. -
*It’s been an emotionally tough year
OLW 2017 flip through -
*DKRIV is born
Wonderland is CLOSED -
*Embarks on elimination diet
video: Whole Foods Haul | Elimination Diet (Breastfeeding) -
*Milk Meltdown
Announces she's going plant-based as a fun, new way to justify her disordered eating. Besides YouTube, she emails it to the entire family. Is email the standard means of communication in an extended family that lives on the same street?
"Let's Chat | Feeling Conflicted About Eating Meat" -
Period: to
*Removes “happy wife” from IG bio
exact date unknown -
*the final Hamptons vlog
cooks for herself and only herself
["Travel Vlog | A Day in Southampton | June 2018"](now deleted) -
*Hates her life
[“Vlog | Day in the Life with a 9 Month Old”] (now deleted) -
*D+J having more arguments
11:11 in “Reacting to Assumptions About Me”
https://invidio.xamh.de/watch?v=Vp0eCelj8cE -
*Disney vlog aka the last of the Ron vlogs
*Mentions remodeling the bathroom
Discusses remodeling the master suite bath. Discussion -
*Leaves photo guides for Ron to care for his own children
8:09 “Planner Update 2019 | Erin Condren On The Go Folio & PetitePlanners” -
*Has no friends
“Dealing with Doubt” aka “I have no friends” video drops -
*IG photo of “summer reading stack”
featuring Glennon Doyle and related marriage/divorce/“all about me” authors -
*Eats shrimp. Blames Ron.
Period: to
*late June: annual Hamptons trip
Doesn’t film. Highly unusual. -
Period: to
*Last family photo shoot
Sometime mid-summer. Gene takes photos to Eugene -
*last family photo on IG
caption: “there were some ups and downs (and I’m not talking about the game) but ultimately we all had fun”
www.instagram.com/p/Bz671yfBbE7 -
*DKRIII starts sleeping in the basement
Date approximate.
discussed here -
*Fires Judith
via: "she talks about leaving Judith At end of August because she couldn’t be honest and how she might have made a different choice if she saw how things were going to unfold because she was without a therapist for 6/7 weeks and it was “especially hard” over the past month (that would be from around time of Eugene trip)" -
*Spends Labor Day with her parents, an emotional mess
*DKRIV starts school
*No IG post for anniversary
Highly unusual. -
*“Q&A | New Minivan, Life Changes, Vlogging Regrets | Summer 2019”
- ordered a minivan
- has friends she texts with
- being a stay-at-home mom is her #1 priority (doubtful, considering she shipped her baby to daycare the week before she filmed this.)
Period: to
*Ali Edwards Story Camp in Eugene, Oregon
Gene cries all night - because Ron is moving into his bachelor pad? -
*Ron’s sister sits as far as possible from Gene at school meeting
Gene appears half asleep.
"The day that it was clear that she wanted nothing more to do with her Brothers idiot wife" -
Period: to
Doesn’t vlog because it’s “family time”. We only see Ron from behind. He's gone completely gray. Dad bod confirmed. -
*Office Meltdown
"Home Office Overhaul | Intro & Before Tour" (mirror site)
Looks like she’s been crying.
Has had bags of donations sitting in her hall since Kon-Mari-ing 7 months before.
“My anxiety is back in full force because I’m just in a low place emotionally right now...I’m going to be real I’m not doing great, I’m not feeling great.” She then states “the things that bring me joy right now” are the kids, Winnie, and running. Zero Ron. -
*"How I Cope With Anxiety"
"How I Cope with Anxiety"
Discusses firing Judith. Claims to not be vague booking, as she feels called to share but “it’s difficult because I literally cannot share totally transparently right now”. She also mentions that she is worthy of making money off her channel (this is unusual as Gene rarely mentions the money even when justifying YT as her “job”) -
*DKRIII is NOT PRESENT for Pancake Saturday
*Fam Jam together for Halloween
Ron heard in Gene’s IG stories -
*TINDER DOM outed on the bakery
claims to be rapidly shedding his dad bod, among other things. He deletes. Cue nipple and nightstand analysis. discussed here -
*“Vlog | Cozy Snow Day At Home | November 2019”
https://invidio.xamh.de/watch?v=ce6pgJMA6ao Strategically cuts Ron’s nightstand out of shot when showing bedroom decor. Beloved Mickey Christmas tree is displayed with the “Moss” hat backwards.
Zero Ron. -
Period: to
*Thanksgiving 2019: D+J with her family in St. Louis
*Intends to update blog bio (spoiler: it's still out of date)
Gene updates blog for first time in a year. Mentions summer photo shoot, out-of-date bio.
"I really wanted to do vlogmas this year on my YouTube channel. Unfortunately, I cannot handle that kind of content right now. But I still want to share. Something is urging me to share this holiday season."
https://web.archive.org/web/20191223032107/http://www.prettyneatliving.com/remember-me-2019/ -
*Blogmas Day 1
"... no matter what is happening in my life what matters most to me is looking for, finding, and celebrating magic in the everyday moments... Change is inevitable. There is so much out of our control at any given moment. But what I can control is how I choose to live my life in the time that I am given. And I choose to love. Love is magic. Embracing that fully this holiday season." https://web.archive.org/web/20191223232709/http://www.prettyneatliving.com/blogmas-2019-day-1/ -
Period: to
*Annual December trip to Utah
*Files for divorce in Cook County
*Post-divorce dance party
*Contingent on RM2
*Laken et al "surprise" Gene
crash DKRIV’s family birthday party (spoiler: Gene is not invited to next year's family birthday party)
Discussed here -
*Post-divorce Q&A - Lies about moving
Teets has been talking about going to Disney again since last year’s trip (5:08). Considering Patreon. Will not be dating soon.
Has a bestie, a life coach, and a lawyer.
video on rumble
discussed here -
Period: to
*covid lockdowns start
Her children know not to touch cardboard. Calm down. -
*Acknowledges she's a hoarder, doesn’t mention new house
*Lies about moving again
*Teets drops the news of RM2
And forever ends her appearances on IG live.
https://thegossipbakery.forumcommunity.net/m/?t=61609223&st=165#entry443622388 -
*The kids rule RM1
Tell Gene the toy train MUST stay on the floor. Teets tells Gene, “your face is so frustrating.”
Gene thinks this is a cute story to share.
https://thegossipbakery.forumcommunity.net/m/?t=61557061&st=510#entry442936003 -
*Removes her wedding set
Finally. -
*Will “abso-freaking-lutely” be going back to the Moss Utah home
Ignores questions about actual Moss family.
Spoiler alert: she doesn’t. -
*Teets attempts to abandon Bunnsy upstairs.
Gene sets her straight. VIDEO (Interestingly, Teets’s hair is BRUSHED and neatly braided.)
https://thegossipbakery.forumcommunity.net/?t=61635850&st=150#entry443913941 -
*Ron sighting - IG stories
*D+J are NEVER EVER EVER getting back together
(…probably because he already met Tensleigh)
discussed here -
*Complains that Ron didn’t brush Teets’s hair
*Gene spends Mother’s Day cleaning out her craptice
Period: to
*Breaks up with planner girls?
*“Ron chose to move out”
"Q&A | Life in Quarantine, Dealing with Criticism, Upcoming Move | Spring 2020"
moving, RM1 never felt like hers, plans to date, keeping “Moss”, Disney probably off til spring 2021, Utah may be off.
Discussed here -
*Gene has moved - SK bake-along in RM2
Period: to
*June 2020: continues moving into RM2
Yes. The whole month. -
*RM1 finally hits the market
*Gene is grateful to lose Ron’s dead weight
Continues to preach about kindness. -
Period: to
*Late July: Manic Gene trying to lure Ron back
-promotes the Raven Foundation, hard
-talks about getting extensions and her lack of thigh gap. Definitely reading the bakery.
-feeling herself after quickly losing weight. Bathroom dancing in Old Navy dresses.
-shows off new bathing suits for Utah
-trashgate all in one week. -
Period: to
*RV to Utah
“this is where mommy and the babies will sleep?” Ron’s sister wisely skips this trip. Gene says she’ll be there a few weeks. -
*RM1 price drop #1
*Gene on the Mosses: “they are my family and that is for life”
*Gene posts breakup lyrics
No running stats. -
*Gene is back on her “home turf” with the kids
*Orders a Peloton
A new, more expensive version is released soon after - obviously she cancels her original order to get the upgraded version. -
*“Jokes” about applying for a dating show
While shilling her new hair products.
Oh, and it would’ve been her 15th wedding anniversary.
discussed here -
*Goes pumpkin shopping
*Attempts to offload her hoard
Sells chipped, seasonally-appropriate dishware to the Genions. https://thegossipbakery.forumcommunity.net/?t=61867764&st=210#entry447134987 -
*Manic Gene "Plans" Rebrand
Plans van trip for late March (revealed here www.instagram.com/p/CNdcx2Hh9MH) buys new camera and drone -
*Gene and her shitty sex life
Period: to
*Spends $14k on herself
*"That Kind of Day" vlog
Admits to binging/restricting in the past. Definitely gained back the weight she lost for Ron/Utah.
Hasn't weighed herself since July 2019.
Doesn't even own a scale.
She's totally not trying to lose weight you guys. Overcompensating by starting Christmas decorating. (seriously, this one is a b u m m e r) -
Weird instastory -
*D+J divorce finalized
*American Thanksgiving 2020
Gene does NOT attend the Moss Thanksgiving. -
*RM1 price drop #2
*SOOOO excited for 9.5 days with her kids. Then snaps at DKRIV when he won't get in his carseat.
Goes from manic excitement to a self-loathing blob in one weird vlog. -
*Announces social media break
Gene is "heartbroken" to celebrate Teets's birthday a day early, announces social media break. -
Period: to
*Rest of December 2020
Gene travels, lies about it. Kids with Ron (and T?) in Utah. -
*Claims to have not binged or self-destructed over the holidays
*YouTube is her CAREER. It's how she CONNECTS.
Meltdown on IG after session with life coach.
Films Capitol riot video, it would seem. -
Period: to
Jan 26: kitchen dancing
Jan 30, 2021: rates her dating life 4 out of 10 in BuJo lol
Feb 6: dances while doing the dishes. Feels called to share.
Feb 7: bathroom dance party, bakery spots a scale (LIAR)
Feb 8: sexually harasses gay men -
*Gene threatens to hold a town hall
*Pawns her Tiffany pretties
connect to dons money spies Gene’s Tiffany pretties (including her engagement ring) at North Shore Exchange
ColdOne provided a list. -
*ManicGene posts "thirst trap"
Kids with Ron.
Gene posts a "thirst trap" (her words - Gene is not capable of taking a photo that qualifies as a thirst trap)
Bakery smells the desperation from across the internet -
*"Love Through My Lens | Valentine's Day 2021"
Super delayed because she debuts a new editing style. -
*Resents the kids
*Content break
she’s just soooooo busy
Wearing a lot of makeup. Promises new direction, will share all things house related.
Filter to cover up that she’s been crying. -
*Braids her 5yo daughter’s hair for the first time
*Depressed Gene Vaguebooks
Did someone die?
Is she mopey about packing up the house or has Ron given her a heads-up to his future with Tensleigh? Or is she just a mess? (note: lifewithlee died late March, a month later) -
*Stress eating like Gene
*The creation of GENE
Gene’s 100th Peloton ride - Cody messes up her name when shouting her out, says “Pretty Neat GENE”. The ultimate muffin. https://thegossipbakery.forumcommunity.net/?t=62057880&st=765#entry450248176 -
*"Shifting" video - Gene and her extraordinarily devastating news
via luggagewarehouse: "Last week i got news that knocked me. It was just extraordinarily devastating news. And it is not easy to process these sorts of things. I mean everybody has things like this, right? When we can't predict them, and it just - doesn't it feel like, like it's one thing after another?" "Shifting | March 2021" -
*New owners start demo on RM1 fireplace
They organize the rubble in the numerous bins Gene has generously left behind along with the brown couch, Teets’s kitchen tower, etc. -
Announces another break
The Bakery later learns she is van-lifing in Utah. She stops to mark her territory in the Moss Family Home while she's there. -
*ManicGene: Wild U! Q&A on IG Live
Says she’ll be going to Utah this summer with the "fam jam", gets snippy about the loftice, will be baking Suze’s paska bread for Easter.
She changed her mind about dating. She's not in a rush you guys, stop asking GOSH.
discussed here -
MEANWHILE Gene bakes paska bread, is proud to carry on her MiL's family tradition, dances with DKRIV. Applies eyeliner. -
*Kid/Paska Bread drop off
IG timeline post with kids at elder Moss family home including overcompensating caption. Appears to have been taking the same day as their photo shoot a couple weeks ago. Did Gene hand over the paska bread today? Did Suze immediately drop it in the trash? -
*Gene teases rebrand
Ali Edwards selfie on IG where she teases van life video - reveals she was in Southern Utah two weeks before.
IG polls asking when people watch YT content. -
*Tough, emotional stuff
Gene dives "into some tough, emotional stuff this past week, has surfaced feeling grounded and brimming with ideas." (Was this the weekend she was disinvited from Utah???) discussed here -
Gene is a "solo wanderer" now.
A quick-witted baker snaps up @prettyneatliving on IG. "Exploring Van Life | Moab" vlog posted withwonder.com is empty. -
*Bunnsy Birthday Party, a first
*Books trip with Ron’s money
*Scolding/cry for help on IG
Co-opts the death of lifewithlee. Claims she's spent four days trying to make Q&A video. "I'm only happy when I'm with my kids."
(WHO called in the wellness check? aka ILLEGAL PRIVACY INFRIGEMENT) -
Or was it a "rehearsal dinner" of sorts? -
(initially reported as June, we now know it was May.) -
*PK announces engagement
Gene congratulates him, then posts breakup lyrics (“I wish you love”)
Cue - “is Ron getting married? There must be a Tensleigh” etc. Bangle Bitch discovers that Ron’s bachelor pad is up for rent starting mid-July. -
Period: to
*Radio silence
Genions start leaving comments asking if she's ok/has quit youtube. -
*Mother’s Day in US
Kids are with Ron (and T?) -
*Bakery learns of the RM1 fireplace's demise
*Reappears on IG ~3:21PM ET
Viewers are meanies and she doesn't feel safe because ILLEGAL PRIVACY INFRINGEMENT. Claims to be a "content creator". discussed here -
*Tensleigh FOUND 1:53AM ET
Bakery learns Ron is getting his meat marinated again, immediately forget about the MHWL videos. Bakery Discussion -
Genions are catching up
Meanwhile, Gene is camping by a decommissioned nuclear facility
D+T close on RM3
It is bigger than RM2 and has a pool. -
Gene registers for Disney race in early November
*Gene in Utah for kid handover?
Gene realizes her former brand is lost to her forever
Gets her panties in a twist, asks followers to mass report. https://thegossipbakery.forumcommunity.net/?t=62219457&st=555#entry452623092 Doesn’t realize she’s been blocked, instead assumes she got her way. -
Gene reviews airbnbs now
*Meditates in Euro time
Period: to
*Runs to Italy to escape her feelings about being excluded from Utah
Dates estimate -
*PK + TLO Wedding Reception
Bakers are delighted to see Ron’s sister and Tensleigh collaborate to mix things up in the Moss party circuit.
Though green beans prove to be a controversial choice for charcuterie. -
*Blames her shitty vacation on Italians
*Rewrites her solo travel history
Begin of manic phase
*Bakery learns Tens has unfollowed Gene
Happened sometime the week before. -
Goes tent “camping”
Eats in her car, leaves to get meals and groceries. So - not actually camping.
Date approximate because Gene. -
Begin ranting/meltdown phase: Jumps on IG for a scolding
What is Gene actually mad about?
How dare people remind her that Ron has moved on and the kids prefer RM3! -
*~22:00 ET Gene deletes Peloton profile
*Gene, fearing for her safety, announces she is planning a solo backpacking trip
"Exploring Glamping | Conestoga Ranch"
Worried about her kids' privacy, Gene posts video of kids. Posts introductory finger-wagging on IG.
Discussed here. -
*Tells viewers to fuck off
*Suddenly manic, holds Q&A on IG
*First and last backpacking trip
Her bag weighs 40lbs and includes:
A camping chair
A yoga blanket
An inflatable sleeping bag pad
MREs that cost $8-10/each
Wool underwear
A single spork -
Period: to
*Italy series on YouTube
Aka “cry for help”
Skip these. Your time is precious. -
Visits pumpkin patch with kids
Posts picture ~4 weeks later - after Halloween.
Date approximate.
https://thegossipbakery.forumcommunity.net/m/?t=62319526&st=930#entry454183581 -
*Starts drama on IG because YouTube is bored of watching her hike in Italy
*Edits out Italian waiter rants
*Bakery blows the lid off Gene’s next trip
She’s going to Disney to run a half-marathon. Without her kids. Surprise!
Itinerary prediction -
*In Disney, running. Donless, childless.
*IG stories pretending she’s in Chicago
*Limps to a finish in her half marathon
Somebody should have trained.
BBBrooke is there too. Are they even still friends? -
Posts a selfie to “show off her new boots”
Boots are unintelligible because she’s wearing them with black leggings. -
*Kids watch her workout
Because she slept through her 4am workout and heaven forbid she cuddle with her obviously still-tired kids.
https://thegossipbakery.forumcommunity.net/m/?t=62319526&st=465#entry454136901 -
*Poopsie Sells the Moss Family Business
*Bakery learns the Heir will no longer inherit