Clare boothe luce

Timeline of Clare Boothe Luce

  • Ann Clare Boothe (Clare Boothe Luce) Birth

    Ann Clare Boothe (Clare Boothe Luce) Birth
    Ann Clare Boothe (Clare Boothe Luce) was born on March 10th, 1903, in New York City, New York.
  • Boothe's Parents Separate

    Boothe's Parents Separate
    Although Boothe's parents were never married, they ended up separating in 1912.
  • Boothe's Early Education

    At only age 10, Boothe understudied Mary Pickford on Broadway because Boothe's mother wanted her to become an actress. Furthermore, she had her Broadway debut in Mrs. Henry B. Harris' production of "The Dummy," a detective comedy.
  • Small Acting Part

    Boothe had a small part in Thomas Edison's movie, The Heart of a Waif
  • Boothe Graduates First At Only 16

    Boothe Graduates First At Only 16
    Boothe attended cathedral schools in Garden City and Tarrytown, New York. She ended up graduating first in her class at only 16 years old.
  • Boothe's Sudden Interest

    Boothe's Sudden Interest
    Boothe became interested in the Women's Suffrage Movement and was then hired by Alva Belmont to work for the National Women's Party in Washington, D.C., and Seneca Falls, New York.
  • Boothe Marries George Tuttle Brokaw

    Boothe weds George Tuttle Brokaw, who is a millionaire heir to a New York clothing fortune.
  • Boothe and Brokaw's First Child is Born

    On April 25th, 1924, Ann Clare Brokaw was born.
  • First Marriage Fail

    First Marriage Fail
    Boothe noticed how Brokaw was an alcoholic, which resulted in a divorce between them.
  • First Short Stories Published

    First Short Stories Published
    Luce finally published a volume of humorous short stories: "Stuffed Shirts."
  • Name Change

    After Boothe married her husband, Henry Luce, she then went by Clare Boothe Luce
  • Second Marriage

    Second Marriage
    Boothe married Henry Luce in 1935.
  • "The Women" By Clare Boothe Luce

    "The Women" By Clare Boothe Luce
    Luce made a play called "The Women," where the play's cast is just all women. It became prevalent on Broadway, and it became a movie three years later.
  • "Kiss The Boys Goodbye" by Clare Boothe Luce

    "Kiss The Boys Goodbye" by Clare Boothe Luce
    Luce then made another play, "Kiss The Boys Goodbye." It was not as successful as "The Women," but it later became a movie as well.
  • Close Friend's Terrible Suicide

    Close Friend's Terrible Suicide
    Luce had a close friend, Dorothy Hale, who was also friends with Frida Kahlo, who took her own life. Hale jumped from the top window of her luxurious apartment in her favorite black dress with a corsage of small yellow roses.
  • Terrible Memorial Painting

    Terrible Memorial Painting
    After learning about Hale's suicide, Luce in grief commissioned Frida Kahlo to paint a portrait of Hale for remembrance. Kahlo ended up creating "The Suicide of Dorothy Hale," which left Luce shocked, and almost made her destroy it.
  • "Margin For Error" by Clare Boothe Luce

    "Margin For Error" by Clare Boothe Luce
    Luce made a play, "Margin for Error," which presented an "all-out attack on the Nazis' racist philosophy."
  • The Holocaust

    The Holocaust
    The Holocaust started in 1941, where Hitler then created concentration camps to kill all Jews and other people who were not perfect in his eyes.
  • Political Career

    Political Career
    Luce won a Republican seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. She represented Fairfield County, Connecticut.
  • Religion

    Shortly after learning about her daughter's death, Luce began to become interested in psychotherapy and religion.
  • Lost of Only Child

    Lost of Only Child
    Unfortunately, Luce lost another loved one, her only child. Ann Clare Brokaw was only a senior at Standford University. Brokaw was killed in an automobile accident. Ann Clare Brokaw was only 19 years old.
  • Religion Continued

    Luce was then attending the Roman Catholic Church after grief counseling with Father Fulton Sheen. Then, she became an ardent essayist and lecturer to celebrate her faith after being named Dame of Malta.
  • Memorial of Ann Clare Brokaw's Death

    Luce then decided to use Standford University's campus money to fund the construction of a Catholic church.
  • Ambassador to Italy

    Ambassador to Italy
    "[Luce] anti-Communist speeches... were effective in persuading a large number of traditionally Democratic-voting Catholics to switch parties and vote Eisenhower... Luce was rewarded with an appointment as Ambassador to Italy, a post that oversaw 1150 employees, 8 consulates, and 9 information centers. She was confirmed by the Senate in March 1953, the first American woman ever to hold such an important diplomatic post."
  • Ambassador to Brazil Nomination

    President Eisenhower nominated Luce to be the US Ambassador to Brazil. This is where Luce began to learn the Portuguese language to prepare for the job. However, Luce's husband persuaded her to decline the appointment, saying that it would be difficult. Luce sent Eisenhower a letter to tell him that "she felt that the controversy surrounding her appointment would hinder her abilities..." Luce never officially took the job.
  • From Being Married, to Being a Widow

    Luce's husband, Henry died of a heart attack when he was only 68 years old.
  • Permanent Home

    Shortly after Henry's death, Luce went to Washington, D.C., and stayed there until her death.
  • Presidential Medal of Freedom Awarded to Luce

    Presidential Medal of Freedom Awarded to Luce
    In 1983, President Reagan awarded Luce the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Luce was the first female member of Congress to receive this award.
  • Luce's Death

    Luce's Death
    Luce died of cancer at her home in Washington, D.C., on October 9th, 1987. Luce was only 84 years old.