The Klan: Part 3

  • The Resurgance of The KKK

    In February of 1915, the film "Birth of a New Nation" is released, a film which not only portrayed black people and people of color as dangerous, but glorified the KKK, leading to a resurgence in activities involving the KKK.
  • Assembly of Christian Soldiers Established

    Due to the resurgence of the KKK, many sub-groups were formed with similar ideals including the Assembly of Christian Soldiers. It was officially founded by a former Ku Klux Klan member, Jessie L. Thrift, as a response to the perceived decline in Christian values and ideals. At it's peak, the ACS had 300 members
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    Making Schools White Again

    The ACS was best known for its 1970s program of using its tax-exempt donations to subsidize private, all-white schools in the southeastern United States, pushing heavily for the return of segregation in schools
  • ACS Goes Public

    The ACS made their first public statement in 1995, at a religious convention, claiming that it's mission was to "defend traditional Christian values and oppose secularism"
  • Growth and Networking

    The movement grew over time, with members forming chapters across different states. It was also around this time that the ACS began to connect with other conservative Christian groups, starting to influence political and social agendas, particularly on issues like abortion and marriage.
  • Alliances and Relations

    The Assembly of Christian Soldiers went on to form official alliances and relations with various conservative political groups, making them a more official and respected organization and allowing them to focus more on pushing for Christian activism in politics.
  • Midterm Elections

    The ACS promoted Christian conservative candidates in the 2010 midterm elections, gaining some national attention
  • The Falloff

    Due to laws and regulations placed against the KKK group as a whole, and the ACS's strong connection to them, the ACS began to decline in popularity. It's connection to the KKK also caused it to be shunned and discredited by many other Christian groups. While the group still exists, it is much less known than it was