• Real Madrid-Barça

    I will meet Laia to watch the classic, and obviously Madrid will win
  • Fantastic island

    I'm going to go with my friends to Fantasia Island for Claudia's birthday.
  • Formula 1

    I'm going to go see the f1 race in Montmelo, Barcelona
  • Concert

    I'm going to the Ricky Martin concert with my mother and coworkers.
  • Valladolid

    I'm going to go to Valladolid with my family to visit my grandparents.
  • Birthday of my cousin

    This month i will go to the birthday of my cousin in her house
  • Birthday Laia.M.

    Me, Laia and her brother are going to Port Aventura to spend three days there for her birthday.
  • Itali

    Very far in the future I will go to Italy to live there
  • Robots

    In a few years there will be robots replacing humans
  • Civil war

    Some years later there will be the 4th civil war