
  • Brown vs. Board of education

    Brown vs. Board of education
    Seperate but equal was constitutional under the 14th amendment
  • Emmett Till

    Emmett Till
    The Black 14 year old Emmett Till was murdered in Mississippi for allegedly flirting with a white woman
  • Rosa Parks is Arrested

    Rosa Parks is Arrested
    Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat to a white man on a Montgomery bus on December 1st, 1955
  • Nonviolent Protests

    MLK Jr. and various Black pastors gathered tigetherto coordinate nonviolent protests against discrimination and segregation
  • ”Sit Ins”

    Four Black college students refused to leave a “white only” lunch room counter without being served food
  • Freedom riders

    All races were freedom riders. They took trips throughout the south of America to protest segregated bus terminals
  • Black Children March

    1,000 Black school children marched thought Birmingham, Alabama against segregation
  • “I Have a Dream” speech

    MLK Jr. delivers his famous “I Have a Dream” speech in a crowd of 200,000 citizens
  • President Kennedy is assassinated

    President JFK was assassinated by Lee Harvey in Dallas Texas while being escorted out of a parade with his wife in his famous car
  • Civil Rights Act

    President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act that had one of the longest debates in Senate history
  • Voting Rights Act

    The Voting Rights Act prohibits discriminatory voting practices
  • Great Society Program

    President Johnson proposed the Great Society Program to eliminate poverty in the country.
  • Miranda vs. Arizona

    The 14th Amendment law establishes the Miranda rights giving their rights before taken into custody
  • MLK Jr. is assassinated

    MLK Jr. is assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee by James Earl Ray in a hotel
  • Equal Rights Amendment

    The Amendment was proposed to the United Stats Constitution that would prohibit sex discrimination