1800 BCE
Abraham's Covenant With God
God promises to protect and take special care of Abraham's
people, God also promises that he will give them the land of Israel and that Abraham will have many descendants. In return Abraham does certain things for God like moving to the land of Canaan, getting circumcised, and having his people obey God. Info From:
http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/judaism/history/firstcovenant.shtml -
1800 BCE
Abraham Is Asked to Sacrifice Isaac
God wanted to test Abraham and see if he would obey him and if he would have faith in God. God asked him to sacrifice one thing Abraham loved very much, which was Isaac, in order to test him and see if he would trust God. When God saw that Abraham was really about to sacrifice Isaac, God knew that Abraham was worthy and trusted God. -
1393 BCE
Moses is Born
Moses is hidden the Nile River by his Hebrew parents in attempt to save his life, because the pharaoh decreed that all new born Hebrew boy babies are to be killed. The pharaoh's daughter then finds him and keeps him as her own. Info From: https://www.ewtn.com/gallery/oldtest/ot8s.htm -
1350 BCE
Israelites Led Out Of Egypt By Moses
After many plagues the pharaoh allows the Israelites to leave Egypt after being slaves for over 430 years. On their way out Moses parts the Red Sea and leads the Israelites to Mount Sinai. -
1350 BCE
Moses Is Given The Ten Commandments By God
God appears to Moses at Mount Sinai and gives Moses two stone tablets with ten commandments that he and his people have to obey, and God tells them that if they keep the commandments then their nation will be treasured by God.
Info From:
https://bible.org/seriespage/7-god-gives-ten-commandments-exodus-20-deuteronomy-5 -
1227 BCE
Tragedy of The Spies
When the Jewish people arrive at the border of the Lands of Israel, they send spies to scout the land. The spies say that there are giants in the land and that there is no way to beat them, so the people break down in tears. This makes God angry because they lost their faith in him, and he sends them to wander in the desert for 40 years. Info From: http://www.simpletoremember.com/articles/a/the_tragedy_of_the_spies/ -
832 BCE
First Temple Completed
The first temple is completed under King Solomon. The temple is said to have once housed the Ark of The Covenant. A temple or a synagogue, is a place of prayer, where Jews come together for community prayer services. Info From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solomon%27s_Temple#Etymology
http://www.jewfaq.org/shul.htm -
722 BCE
Assyrians Conquer Israel
Assyrians conquer Israel and force the ten tribes to relocate in other parts of the empire. This scattering of tribes is the begging of Jewish diaspora and the time of the Jews living away from Israel. Infro From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_diaspora -
586 BCE
Destruction of The FIrst Temple
Solomon's Temple is destroyed by the army of Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonian king. The Jew's place of worship being destroyed was very tragic because this was a central part of not only their religion but their way of life. Info From: http://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/144569/jewish/The-First-Temple.htm -
63 BCE
Romans Invade Israel
Romans invade Israel, the Jewish were not given authority over their affairs and Herod the Great was appointed as a leader over the Jews. Romans controlled all of the affairs of the Jewish people. Jewish people were allowed to practice their traditional religious practices to an extent through policies set out by Roman leaders.
Info From: http://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/palestine-under-roman-rule/ -
Moses Questions
1.) Moses is the son of Hebrew parents that was adopted into the Pharaoh's family.
2.) Moses was the one who demanded the freedom of his people and God worked through him to curse egypt with the ten plagues.
3.) Exodus 7:14-11:10 (When Moses turned the water in the Nile to blood) Exodus 20 (When God gives Moses the ten commandments. -
Moses Questions Part 2
4.) Moses was in a wealthy family in Egypt, but he saw the wrongs his family was doing, and saw the brutal treatment the Hebrews were receiving. He then chose to give up all of the wealth he had when he decided to protect a slave. Moses teaches us that materialistic things are not important and we should instead care more about the one another, and help each other when in need.