Unbroken Context - Violet Daniels

  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    At the end of ww1 the Treaty of Versailles was created to take power from the German government as well as its territory from before the war.
  • Adolf becomes Chancellor of Germany

    Adolf becomes Chancellor of Germany
    Gained 37% of the vote and won
    Burns down Reichstag (Government building) to fake Germany being under attack to gain more power
    Becomes voted dictator with 89% when president dies, 1933
  • The Burning of Reichstag

    The Burning of Reichstag
    Hitler (or someone of his party) set fire to the government building of Reichstag to spread misinformation that Germany was under attack, allowing Hitler to gain more power
  • Nazi Invasion of Poland

    Nazi Invasion of Poland
    This was the official start of the war
    The British and the French did not intend to militarily help Poland against Germany. They hoped that the paper tiger that was their alliance with Poland, was enough to stop Hitler's intentions
  • Phoney War

    Phoney War
    The Phoney War was an 8 month period in which in which England declared war on Germany but no actual fighting occurred until May 10, 1940, when Germans invaded France.
  • Hitler invades Denmark and Norway

    Hitler invades Denmark and Norway
    Under the code name 'Operation Weserübung', Nazis invaded Denmark which fell same day invaded
    Norway resisted until 9 June.
    Denmark was useful base of ops
  • Hitler's Olympics

    Hitler's Olympics
    In an attempt to show the rest of the world how powerful Germany still was after losing the first world war, Hitler hosted the "Nazi Olympics"
  • Tripartite Pact Signed

    Tripartite Pact Signed
    "The Tripartite Pact was the culmination of a series of agreements between Germany, Japan, and Italy. On October 25, 1936, Germany and Italy completed the Rome-Berlin Axis, a cooperation deal." The pact was signed in September of 1940.
  • Nazis establish gas chambers at Auschwitz

    Nazis establish gas chambers at Auschwitz
    Gas chambers became a part of Auschwitz in September of 1941. They first used the chambers on Soviet war prisoners as well as regular ill prisoners. This tactic of war became more common with the arrival of more Jewish people to the camp.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor took place in the Hawaiian military base, named Pearl Harbor, where Japanese soldiers bombed the land in an attempted to take out the US's naval control.
  • Japanese Americans sent to Internment Camps

    Japanese Americans sent to Internment Camps
    After Pearl Harbor the US feared the Japanese so much that they sent all Japanese people including Japanese Americans to internment camps so that they could keep a closer eye on them.
    Started in February of 1942 and lasted until 1945.
  • Italy Surrenders

    Italy Surrenders
    "The invasion of Sicily in July 1943 led to the collapse of the Fascist Italian regime and the fall of Mussolini, who was deposed and arrested by order of King Victor Emmanuel III on 25 July. The new government signed an armistice with the Allies on 8 September 1943."
  • D- DAY

    D- DAY
    When thousands of ally soldiers stormed the shores of Normandy, France to gain a base in Europe. 4,441 Allied soldiers died on D-Day, as well as an estimated 9,000 lost in the conflict, with maybe even more
  • Iwo Jima

    Iwo Jima
    One of the bloodiest battles in Marine Corps history
    Takes place in Okinawa
    Last battle of ww2
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt Dies

    Franklin D. Roosevelt Dies
    FDR was the US president during ww2, and worked with other national leaders in the Allies to fight against the Axis powers. Unfortunately he dies before the end of the war and is replaced by the then vice president Harry S. Truman, who later decides to drop the atomic bombs on Japan.
  • Hitler Commits Suicide

    Hitler Commits Suicide
    The Nazis are not doing well in the war, Hitler knew this and instead of being taken prisoner by Russians he hides in a bunker and shoots himself in the head.
  • Germany Unconditionally Surrenders

    Germany Unconditionally Surrenders
    After Hitler's death, Germany had no means of power or choices but to surrender to the Allies and leave the fight of ww2.
  • Atomic Bomb dropped on Hiroshima

    Atomic Bomb dropped on Hiroshima
    Nicked Named "Little Boy"
    Leaflets were dropped before warning the day of the bombing warning civilians.
    140,000 people died.
  • Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki

    Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki
    Nicknamed "Fat Man"
    74,000 people died from the second bomb.
  • Japan Unconditionally Surrenders

    Japan Unconditionally Surrenders
    "Japan did offer a conditional surrender on August 10th, 1945, and suffered an attempted coup by junior officers. (The US refused the offer then, and the Japanese offered unconditional surrender on August 14th.)"
  • MacArthur accepts Japan’s surrender

    MacArthur accepts Japan’s surrender
    MacArthur agrees to end the war and accept the surrender of Japan. "for the United States, Republic of China, United Kingdom, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and in the interests of the other United Nations at war with Japan."