East West schism
Split of the Christian church into the eastern Orthodox . Also the western Catholic churches. Due to cultural and political differences. -
Devshirme System
Young boys in the ottomans empire were taken/recruited. They were then converted to Islam. Then trained to serve and fight for the ottoman military. -
Spanish wars on religion
It was a huge event that caused a huge clash of conflict. Was led by General Francisco Franco.The Catholic church was a huge contribution to this war on religion. -
Columbian exchange
a time of lots of exchange. Products such as exchange of plants, animals, diseases and people. Was named after Christopher Columbous. -
Treaty of Tordesilla
Was an agreement between Spain and Portugal. It divided the world between the two countries. The treaty was intended to stay inforced forever, which did not happen. -
Sultam Selim takes over
Fought to extend multiple countries to be apart of the Ottoman Empire. Examples are Egypt, Syria and Palestine. He ruled till 1520 -
Protestant reformation
It was a religious movement. It created the protestant branch of Christianity. It was created in response to corruption and abuse in the Catholic church. -
The Reformation effects
Was the creation of Protestantism. As well as helped the spread of literacy and social change. It had a huge impact on western culture. -
Henry Viii dies and his son becomes king
His son was only 9 years old at the time. Since he was so young at the time he wasn't allowed to fully govern England. He became the king after his father passed. -
Mary becomes queen and returns to catholicism
She became queen after her husband passed away. he was king prior. She is nicknamed a common known phrase "Bloody Mary". She also tried to restore catholicism within England -
Elizabeth becomes queen
Since Mary was childless. Elizabeth was next in line for the throne. She was 25 years old when she became queen. -
French wars on religion
It was a series of civil wars. They were caused by the protestant reformation. Fought between the french Catholics and protestants. -
England civil war
Series of conflict between parliament and royalists. The wars were fought for religious freedoms, and political power. It was caused by the balance of power. -
English bill of rights
Document that establishes the rights of parliament. It also helps limit the power of the monarchy. It is considered a foundation of the British constitution. -
Toleration Acts
A law passed by English parliament. Granted freedom of worship. Benefited non conformists. -
Name given to middle passage
Got its name due to the triangular route between Europe, Africa and the Americas. So it gots its name from the middle leg of a three part voyage. -
Slave trade
There were efforts to regulate the slave trade and some to abolish it. The slave trade later ended due to religious and ideological factors. also limited the number of enslaved people.