World History Time Line Mandee Roofe P:6

By 052438
  • Newton’s laws of motion published

    Newton’s laws of motion published
    Newtons laws of motion gave reason for how the universe works, and the enlightenment was all about reason. Newtons motion laws aligned with the reason concept in the enlightenment era, so his laws were widely accepted.
  • The spirit of the Laws published

    The spirit of the Laws published
    The sprit of the laws was a book published that basically says that there needs to be a separation of the powers, and there not to be one person that holds all the power.
  • The Social Contract

    The Social Contract
    The Social Contract was made for the people to have an agreement between themselves that says, the people living together in society can come to an agreement of moral and political rules and behavior.
  • The American Revolution

    The American Revolution
    The American Revolution inspired the French Revolution to rebel against the monarchy, but as history tells us the French Revolution was much bloodier.
  • Starvation of the French people

    Starvation of the French people
    The French people’s crops in the summer of 1788 got infected with a disease that caused the wheat to go bad, which caused death by starvation to a lot of the poorer French people.
  • The Turning of the General Estates

    The Turning of the General Estates
    The general estates turned on King Louis because the king was not doing anything about the starving of his subjects. So the general estates decided they had enough and began the rebellion, known as the French Revolution.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The Tennis Court Oath was a significant event in the French Revolution because because it united the third estate to commit to making a constitutional government in France instead of a monarchy.
  • Storming of Bastille

    Storming of Bastille
    The storming of Bastille was very important in the French Revolution because it was the first major act of rebellion against the monarchy. The people were showing that they could rise against the king. The people thought the prison Bastille represented unjust laws, and monarchy.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    Declaration of the Rights of Man
    The declaration of the rights of Man says that every man is born equal and are free to equal rights.
  • Women break into the palace of Versailles

    Women break into the palace of Versailles
    There was a protest outside the kings palace in Versailles women, broken demanding blood, going after the queen Saying it was her fault, the Kingdom was in debt. The people forced the king and queen to move to Paris the very next day.
  • Invention of the Guillotine

    Invention of the Guillotine
    The invention of the guillotine was a tool that the French people used to quickly easily and effectively kill people. The guillotine was invented by Joseph Ignace Guillotin
  • Escape plan of the King and Queen

    Escape plan of the King and Queen
    The king and queen were scared that if they stayed in Paris much longer, all their power would be gone, and the people might kill them. So they planned to escape to Austria, where the queen had family, but they were caught.
  • Declaration of war on Austria

    Declaration of war on Austria
    France declared war on Austria and Prussia because Austria and Russia refused to call back their troops on the French border.
  • Establishment of French Republic

    Establishment of French Republic
    Since the king and queen were arrested. The people decided to make a French Republic which the people through representatives which had been elected, had decision making power over France
  • The end of the King Louis

    The end of the King Louis
    King Lewis was decapitated by the national razor a.k.a. the guillotine.
  • Committee of Public Safety

    Committee of Public Safety
    The Committee of public safety was to keep the Community from falling into total chaos.
  • Charlotte Corday and death of Jean Paul

    Charlotte Corday and death of Jean Paul
    Charlotte Corday killed Jean Paul while he was in his bathtub because she felt that he was too radical and all he wanted was blood and more blood. She thought this was the only way to save the revolution.
  • The End of Marie Antoinette

    The End of Marie Antoinette
    Marie Antoinette, the Queen of France was killed by the guillotine because she was accused of treason to her country. They thought her expensive shopping is what put France into debt and accused of making Pacts with Austria.
  • The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror
    The reign of terror was a time during the French Revolution, where mass violence and executions led by Maximilian Robespierre. You could have been on the Guillotines chopping block if you were thought to be against the revolutionary government. This time created a widespread of fear and terror among France.
  • Execution of Maximilian Robespierre

    Execution of Maximilian Robespierre
    Maximilian Robespierre was executed well first he tried to shoot himself but failed so when he was better, he was executed by the guillotine. The reason he was executed was because he had become a violent tyrant, and people were living in fear of falling to be a victim of the reign of terror he was also trying to set up a kind of cult that was known as The Cult of the Supreme Being.
  • Coop de’tat of 18 Brumaire

    Coop de’tat of 18 Brumaire
    The coupe de’tat of 18 was where Napoleon Bonaparte over through the French government with military force, and set himself up in a dictatorial power.
  • First Consul

    First Consul
    Once Napoleon’s military came in and took over Napoleon named himself the first console he brought in a new Constitution and legislative that he made setting himself up to be the dictator of France.
  • Emperor of France

    Emperor of France
    Napoleon gave himself the title Emperor of France to elevate his status and show that he had power and it was a new era in the French Resolution.
  • Napoleonic Code Established

    Napoleonic Code Established
    Napoleonic code also known as the civil code was a set of laws introduced by Napoleon during the French revolution.
  • Treaty of Tilsit

    Treaty of Tilsit
    Because Napoleon Bonapart won this battle and made a treatise it’s solidifies his power position as emperor and pretty much dictator of France.