Jan 1, 1400
Renaissance begins
Renaissnace refers to a period of time in Europe from around the 14th to 17th century. -
Jan 1, 1406
Dame Juliana Beners writes first known essay on sports fishing
Juliana Beners of Great Britain writes first known essay on sports fishing. She described how ot make a rode and flies, when to fish, and the many kinds of fishing in her essay, "Treatse of Fishing with an Angle" -
Jan 1, 1428
Joan of Arc
The siege of Orleans marked a turning point in the Hundred Years' War between France and Englad. This was Joan of Arc's first major military victory and the first major French success. -
Jan 1, 1445
Johann's invention of mechanical movable type of printing
Jan 1, 1478
Spanish Inquisition
Spanish Inquisition was used for both political and religious reasons. Following the Cursades and the Reconquest of Spain by the Christain Spaniards the leaders of Spain needed a way to unify the country. -
Jan 1, 1492
Chistopher Columbus discovers North America
Jan 1, 1497
John Cabot
John Cabot, lived in Venice sailed all the ay from Italy across the Atlantic. He landed and claimed Newfoundland. -
Jan 1, 1504
Michelangelo completes his sculpture of David
Jan 1, 1517
Martin Luther published his 95 Theses
Criticizing the Roman Catholic Church and leading to the Protestant Reformation -
Jan 1, 1524
European wars of religion
European wars of religion were a series of wars waged in Europe. Following the onset of the Protestant Reformation in Western and Northern Europe. -
Jan 1, 1525
William Tyndale translates the Bible to English
Jan 1, 1543
Nicolaus Copernicus explained his theory that the Eartch revolved around the sun
Jan 1, 1552
Mary, Queen of Scots
An avid golfer, coins hte term "caddy" by calling her assistnats cadets. It is during her reign that the famous golf course at St. Andrews was built. -
Jan 1, 1558
Elizabeth I was crowned Queen
SHe was he third of Henry VIII's children to become monarch and she was the last of the Tudor dynasty. She inherited the throne from her half-sister Mary I -
Sir Walter Raleigh
Sir Walter Raleigh sent a group of colonist to Roanoke -
Captain John Smith
Captain John, a natural leader, took "control" over Jamestown. Coined the phrase "if any would not work, neither should he eat" -
Galileo uses a telescope to make astronomical discoveries