1712 The Steam Engine is invented: 1721 was the yer Thomas Newcomen invented the first steam engine. it wasn't very useful in those days, but the idea of making the steam engine for machines to work was useful in the industrial revolution.
May 6, 1300
A major advance occured in Europe around 1300 with the invention of the Escapment. which allowed construction of the first mechanical clocks. -
May 4, 1347
The black death
The black death was a pamdemic that killed millions of innocent people. This horrible pamdemic black death started in Europe in 1347 and laster until 1351. Almost one out of every three people died in Europe from the disease. So this calculates around 25 million lives were taken. The black death was coursed by rats carrying the disease. -
May 4, 1373
river lock
A river lock is a place where boats that are traveling up or down a river or canal can be raised over higher or lower. River locks are built in places where the level of the water in the river or canal suddenly changes. The river lock is like a big chamber with gates at each end. The river lock have lock gears which empty or fill the chamber with water. River locks help the river to be more navigable or for canals to be built across country that is not leval. -
Apr 27, 1440
printing press
A printing press is a device for applying pressured ink to a surface to make a print -
May 4, 1517
The caravel is a small type of sailing ship, It is easy to maneuver. The Caravel was developed in the 15th century by the Portuguese. The Portugese used caravels to explore the West African coast and the Atlantic Ocean. Lateen sails made Caravels fast and able to sail against the wind. Caravels were used by the Portuguese to explore oceans during the 15th and 16th centuries in the Age of Discovery. -
potato population boom
When the European diet expanded to include patatos, farmers were able to produce alot more food, they gained protection against catastrophe of checks by famine. -
Seed Drill
A seed drill is a sowing device that sows the seed precisely in the soil at proper depth and distance. Then it covers them with soil. It protects the seeds from birds and saves time and labour. -
Great Fire of London
The great fire of London was a msjor fire that swept through the central parts of London. The fire destoryed many old bulidings that were important to London that fire went from Sunday to Wednesday, -
1712 The Steam Engine is invented
1721 was the yer Thomas Newcomen invented the first steam engine. it wasn't very useful in those days, but the idea of making the steam engine for machines to work was useful in the industrial revolution. -
spinning jenny was invented
In 1764 James Hargreaves invented the spinning jenny, the machines spins more more then one ball of yarn or thread at a time this would make it eadier to make cloth. -
Threshing Mechine
In 1784 Andrew Meikle invented the threshing mechine, the threshing mechine is a mechine that cuts up the wheat, in the industrial revolution times the threshing mechine wasnt invented and people would have to cut it by hand and bash the grain on a hard type of board. -
steam boat
A steam Boat is a ship that uses a steam engine or steam turbine to move. At first, these were paddle steamboats. Some had a paddle wheel on the back. There were many steamboats in the 19th century in the United States and other countries. However, the first steamboat was built by John Fitch in 1787. It had many paddles. -
In 1837 Samuel Morse invents the telegraph, the telegraph is a imvention that produces electrial polses that creatured a code that would alarm or tell people what was going on without actually saying the words. -
Louis Pasteur develops vaccines for diseases.
A chemist called lady named Louis Pasteur strongly belived that germs caused diseases. Using Information resources he cheated vaccines that helped prevent many different diseases, it also helped people like longer. -
light bulb
A light bulb, or electric light or electric lamp is a device that produces light from electricity. addition to lighting a dark space, they can be used to show an electronic device is on, to direct traffic, for heat, and many other purposes. Early people used candles and oil lamps for light (often from whale oil). Crude incandescent lights were made in the early and middle 19th century but had little use.