1914-47 Imperialism challenged

  • imperial writers- G.A. henty novels

    promoted empire/ indirectly and directly through adventure novels set in colonial territory
  • empire day- lord meath

    first celeb 1902 but became official in 1916
  • muslim league

    ldr was muhammad ali jinnah, wanted a homeland for muslims- pakistan
    divide and rule- brits used this, favoured muslims, claim that necessary brit presence if not all out blood war would ensue
  • hind swaraj- home rule for ind

    ganhi exprssd in 1909 and kept this through all hisn life
  • Period: to

    brit trade with emp 1909-13

    emp took 35% of brit exports and gave 26.9 of its imports
  • british board of film censors 1912

    that was made to make sure that all films that were being portrayed about the empire showdd both it and its subject in a positive light.
  • india ww1 1.3 mill men fough

    lord hardingae- viceroy at time, declare war on behalf of ind,
    no conscription for india
    mothers were given medals if they had a certain number of sons in the army
    india contributed 4X more men than all other doms/ colonies combined
  • inds killed in ww1 74,000

  • egyp protectorate

    as war strts turn from veiled protectorate to protectorate
    1.2 mill egypts recruited to defend egyp and mid east
    100,000 egyps fought in eu ww1 and half died.
    in EU mostly worked as labourers
  • ww1 death toll on dominions

    16,000 nzlnds
    61,000 canadians,
    60,000 australians
    and 7000 south afrns
  • ppl from colonies fghtn ww1

    2.5 mill men from colonies and 5 mill from british isles fought in ww1
  • 136,000 white SA troops fought in middle east, west front

    general smuts helped lead fight against german colonies in africa, he was a parrt of the winston churchills war cabinet
  • ganhi presdn of indian national congress

    after he returned to ind
    served as a lawyr in SA 20yrs, advocating for more rights
  • Imperial pref re-intro by lloyd george

    for future imperial self sufficiency
  • conscrip in NZLND

    initial enthusiasm dropped
  • easter uprising dublin 1pril 1916

    was put down by brits who had an exorbiant reaction and reprisals, the public did not initially support the I|RA and rebels but following the brit reprisals alot of support was fostered for them.
  • conscrp canada

  • Ind gov gave £100mill to eng war effort

    edwin montague - secretary of state at time promised self gov to inds
  • brit dependency on emp and doms

    1/3 of munitions used in fr 1917-18 where canadian,
    SA helped with wheat and other goods
  • Balfour declaration

    foreign sec, arthur balfour sent a letter to rotschild, ldr of jew community decl support for zionist, found a homeland in palestn, not sep jew state tho, do not undermine rights of arabs
  • london university's skl of oriental and african studies 1917

    taught subjects to be goodd colonial servants created in 1917
  • jew pop in palest 1918

    9% pop, 60,000
  • canada protests anti-war 1918

    was seen as a pro brit affair and there was protests, esp anti conscription 1918
  • 1918 gen elect

    sinn fein- irish part of indep won majority seats
    made an irish repub in dublin- dali eireann.
  • pan afrc congress 1919

    took place in france, coincided with the paris peace conf and atermath of ww1
    wanted to advocate for self determin
    and express the brutal supression and opresn of african peoples under eu colonial rule
  • ww1 cost brit £35bn

    it was 13x the boer war , brit borrowed 4bill just from USA
    pound had to be removed from gold standard
    gov debt rose from £700 mill in 1914 to £7.5bn in 1919 because of gov borrowin to pay for war
  • rowlatt act 1919

    gave the brits the right to arrest and punish anyoone who protested against british rule
    let to the amritsar/ jaliwalabah massacre
  • gov of india act 1919

    limited self gov, sharing pwr viceroy and ind ministers
    quell nationalists, step towards dom status, not happy!
    introduced dyarchy- dual governance- montagu-chelmsford reforms, certain areas of administration given to inds while others where still under brits
    split the legislative cuncil in 2
    lowr house- 104 of 144 mbs elected
    and uppr house 34 of 60mbs elected
  • amritsar massacre apr 1919/jallianwala bagh

    mass resistanc end tragic results
    office dyer opened fire on a crowd killing- in a closed garden a peaceful gathering of people,
    50solds open fire for 10min, cerce 400 deaths brits say but inds say 1000
    dyer said to teach moral lesson- killled brits claim that rule over ind was good and moral
    inflamed gandhi who took a more proactive role after
    made non-coop movement 1922
  • Nehru

    joined INC in 1919, disagrd with gandhi on future of ind, wanted an industrial and modern india, but gandhi wanted a rural and agricultural ind
    was indias first prime minister in 1947
  • teaching of emp at uni-degrees

    at cambridge 1919, by experts in emp, vere hamsworth chair
  • sudanese and egyp revolt 1919

    against brits
    aftr brit exile the nationalist ldr saad zaghlul
    women took over fight- husbands weren't allowed
    made the wafd party to represent the egyptian indp at paris peace conf
    pm of egyp-1st one
    800 dead egyps, 1,600 wounded
  • irld declare indp & IRA form

    seinnfein, republican party declare independence and the ira forms and attacks brit troops and police
  • saad zaghlul egyp

    was a lwayer who protestd agaisnt brits, who squeezed egp during the war, took famrers to be labourers, prostitution and alcohol, had them fighting the ottomans and nazis, disastrous gallipoli campaign. got nothing for it.
    all egpys gathered strikes- paralysed country, transport and students
    open fire brits-kill many ppl
    next day wife protest of exiled nationalists i.e safia zaghul
  • sudan gezira scheme

    invstm in the cotton- to increase production, building of a great damn and irrigation project
  • non co-op mvmnt

    organsd by ganhi after the amritsar massacre
    satyagraha- peaceful demonstartions
  • black and tans

    ex soldiers who were known by the name black and tans because of the uniform they wore, known for thier violent mthds, open fired on a gaelic football match
  • returns from overseas investment

    rose from £369mill in 1913 to £600mill in 1920
  • cairo conf 1921

    1921- Brit meeting, limited Arab represent
    allow some freedon and local self gov but british remain control of military and foreign affairs
  • Brit acquire palest

    imprt strategically, close to IND, near persian gulf and rich oil supply, bbut anxious because the situation was growin tense, arabs want control of their own future
  • league of nation mandates

    post war treaties, deciding on hot to govern and split the german colonies after the loss of the nazis
    -make them politically and economically dvlp
    fr and brit had experience
    split them in 3 categories, abc, show how close each one is to being able to self govern
  • irlnd independence

    follwoing the troubles , the IRA, bad, proximity to engl, rest of world watching, also one of engls oldest colonies
    formal independence was given in 1931 following the statue of westminister
  • egyp formal indpn

    but was a client state till 1954
    brit troops in egyp till 1936- anglo-egyp treaty
  • makmere college

    establ in 1922
    tecknical skls with just 14 students studying carpentry, mechanics and building expanded to become prime centre of educat in east afr- uganda, offered medicals, nursing, architecture, and offrd post skl certificates, became a ucl affiliate
  • anglo-iraqi treaty 1922

    faisal I as king confirmed
    renowned arab and muslim ldr who was on good terms with the brits
    promised full consultation between powers on foreign policy
    brit control military bases and has much control on the army
  • jomo kenyatta 1922

    campaign for afr rights and representation.
  • devonshire declaration 1923

    stressed that the interest of black africans had to be represented.
    was made due to the rising anger of the kikuyu tribe in kenya who were heavily taxed and opressed by the 20-30,000 whitesettlerss who made up most of the legislative council. they taxed them and refused to let them grow commercial products as to limit competition
  • wembley exhibition 1924

    gov contributed £2.2 mill,
    pavillions represnt every country in the empire. bought back spheres and even people attracted many- hwvr not an estimate of how this had to fair with empire because it was just an amusement park. the wembley stadium lasted as a permanent symbol of the legacy of emp.
    17 mill ppl visited 1924 and over 9 mill in 1925.
  • edward elgar- music composer

    made the imperial march and other known empire songs/ sounds
    'land of hope and glory'
  • imperial always 1924

    provided trips to emp, upper middle class could afford this.
    allowed people who already had a connection to the emp through their family or friends
    may 1920 2 SA's flew from cairo to cape- huge excitement
  • colonial office split in 2 in 1925

    one was for the dominions and one was for the colonial office
  • £10 mill for improv rail and dock faciiltes

    in east africa, in 1925 but this was limited bcuz much of these projcts had to be self financing so it led to high taxation . brit it no position to afford expsnv foreign invstmnts- in aftermath of ww2
  • WASU- 1925 west afrc studn union

    brought together west afr students studying in lond- inspire greater radicalism, it worked they got the expeditions to close- at least those with the humans- the 1924 wembley empire expedition- £20mill ehbition, boost morale and money after ww1, 24mill visitors, had an afrcn village- press named them as curious and cannibals- sparked outrage
  • empire marketing board

    leo amery set it up in 1926 to promote knowlege and ppls feeling towards empire. hwvr it was shut down in 1935.
    through posters and marketing boards
    howvr many where vry random and not explicitly linked to empire and so people were confused.
  • white paper 1927

    leo amery colonial secretary- argues in favour of trusteeship
  • simon commission

    no indian represnetation
    give more power to the princely states, review innd act
    incorp brit rule under federal gov and system with the prncly states
  • womens war nigeria 1929

    3,000 women protested against the new market tolls, they demanded a return to traditnl values
    brit imposed tax on southeastrn nigeria, the price of oil and palm kernels collapsed- fell by 12% that yr alons, then they started counting women for a consensus and then them fearing they too were going to be taxed started protesting
  • rule out self gov

    ruled out trusteeship for east africa in favour of trusteeship in 1929
    the royal comission- under sir endward hilton young
  • colonial dvlpmnt act 1929

    gave £1mill of treasury funds for dvlpmnt projects across the emp. rlly helped afr colonies.
    no where near enough money as was needed and was rather tokonistic
  • enquiry for limit jew acquis of land

    there was another in 1931 but the huge pro jew feeling in brit and usa forced gov to back down
  • unemployment brit wall street crash 1929

    about 3mill men or 20% of the work force of brit at time were unemployed- characterised the 1930's economy
    already decaying staple treaties like ship-building and repair touched 62% unemployment in 1932
  • rudyard kipling- bro emp writings

    his writings included childrens stories of jungle and adventure based on heroic imperial figures
    talk and teaching of geo, hstry
  • the round table conf

    ganhi present for the 2nd not for the first because he was imprisoned due to the salt marches, no agrmnt reached, want to give ind dominion status , they wanted indpndc.
  • civil disobed mvmnt

    one from 1930-31 and another from 32-24
  • pay for colonial administrators

    recruitment generly improv, esp in afr, most came from same private/ good skls
    gov of nigeria earn about £8250 per annum where as cadet in kenya gets about £200 per annum
  • ministry of info films

    49th parallel- a film that encouraged tolerance and acceptance of other cultures
  • jew poop 19131

    16.9% or 175,000
  • mad dogs and englishmen

    was made in 1931 by noel cowards- more mocking of empire
  • statue of westminister 1931

    dominions became autonomous
    gov generals not imperial officials anymore just representatives of the crown.
  • bbs 1932 established

    helped to promote the emp, first dirctr john reith, took a strong imperial stance covered many pro imprl events like ehibitions , events, public celebrations.
  • Iraq indpndc 1932

    after 12 yrs of rule, nationalist sought indp, nevr rlyy stable
    indp under king faisal I, close econ link with brits
    gradual transfer of power- through treaties, done in good time for brits
  • EIRE

    irlnd- largest party in parliament fianna fail- ldr eamon de valera, no secret wanted all 32 provinces under a unified indpnd irln state.
    by 1932 late- trade war with huge duties against goods from the other country imposed.
  • christams broadcasts

    christmas broadcasts that included but were not limited to the kings speech started in 1932
    focused peoples idea and mind on the loyalty and imperial unity of emp
    15 min segments/talks from experts on diff parts of emp, so they would be exposed to diff cultures
  • ottowa conf 1932

    put a 10% tax on all imports except those from crown colonies
    made preferential treatment between the doms and brit in their export markets
    reinforc immportance of emp in supplying foodstuff and raw materials to brit
  • rise in trade with emp 1934-38

    exprts to emp 41.3% and imports 41.2%
  • gov of ind act 1935

    increase the number of people that can vote and strngth elected provincial assemblies
    expnd franchise form 7mill to 35 mill
    made provinces gompltly self gov
  • lord linlithigow

    viceroy of ind for 7yrs,
    inds dont like him bengal famine - 3mill dead
    blamed for division and lack of econ develp
    prov of greater rights in gov
    gave gov of ind act 1935
  • 1936 20,000 brit troops in pales deal with arab riots

    they attacked jews, growing disdain at increasing nb of jews
  • anglo-egyptian treaty 1936

    brit troops withdraw only there to protect the suez canal
    10,000 troops allowed in the suez canal zone
    egyp assisted to join league of nations
  • coronat george VI 1937-23hr broadcast in canda

    shows imperial propaganda, unite all the subjects of emp
  • the peel report 1937

    it recommended the partition of land into jewish and arab sections. was opposed by the arabs
  • brit policy of repression in palest against arabs

    publicly hanged over 100 arab terrorist
  • eire indpnd state fianna fail

    laid claim to all 32 provinces and declared itself a sovereign, independent, domestic state
  • trade deficit £302 mill

    however it was reduced to £70mill by invisible earnings from emp
  • exhibiton in glasgow 1938

    great success with 12m visitors, chance to boo;st scott economy after great depression 1938
  • jewish migration limitd to 15,000 a year 1939

    this would continue/ supposd to for the next 10yrs
    didn't bcuz of nazi persecution.
  • the four feathers 1939

    an imperial film that uses empire as a backdrop for adventure, gets ppl excited and thinking about empire
  • brits lost singapore feb 1947

    the japanese attacking asia trying to expand their emp, wanted to go after ind too
    brits largest military base, led to the largest surrndr in brit history, churchill said it was '' the worst disaster and largest capitulation in Brit history''
  • burma, malaya and hongkong tkn by jpns

    in summer, looked ready to attck ind, but brit averted and rolled back conquest
    jpn success ends idea white supremacy and white invincability.
  • ''a post dated cheque on a crashing bank''

    what ganhi said to sir stafford cripps when he offered india dominion status
  • quit india campaign

    done by ganhi- was imprisoned many timmes, censored
    did peaceful prtests, hunger strikes and salt marches
  • austrl accpt staute of wstmnstr in 1942

  • INA - indian national army

    chandra bose was the leadr, fought against the british, in burma and was fighting for independence of india
    was sprtf by the imperial jpns
    consisted of ind soldiers who were captured by jpn
    30,000 sldrs
  • pan african conference manchester

    nkrumah-ghana, kenyatta-kenya and banda-malawi,
    left from manchester knowing definetly where we were going
  • decolonisation of mind

    the end of the idea of white supremacy and invincibility, Ngugi wa Thiango
  • viceroy louis mountbatten

    was sent to bring ind independ, ind no longer a cotton market, was draining resources, not woth fghtn nationalist mvmnt.
    decision to partition india, bring indp by june 1948
  • ind indep and pratirion met by aug 1947

    hugely chaotic, millions dead and huge violence ensued, exodus of ppl fleeing to part where there religion is most prominant
  • brit gave palest prob to UN

    ernest bevin gave it to UN- then in nov announced they would quit bcuz they did not agree with UN's plan for partition and lvls of immigrtn
    brit did not know how to approach prob
    wanted usa sprt- they sprtd jews
    but didnt want to alienate arabs- whom they needed
  • zlnds statue of wstmnstr 1947

  • brit view of loss of ind 1947

    many lamented the loss of india and the dissolution of empire, they were proud of emp, saw it as a force of good and that it was one of the reasons brit fought 2 world wars
  • burma to become indp by 1948

    atlee unwilling to send troops
    was with jpns in ww2, saw brit likely to win war and so switched sides
  • ganhi assasinated

    by hindu nattionalist- being in favour of muslms
  • 3/4 pop didn't know diff between colony and dom