[1945-1980] The Modernization of Québec & The Quiet Revolution

  • 1949 Asbestos Strike

    1949 Asbestos Strike
    • Miners wanted safer conditions and more money
    • Duplessis supported employers and declared strike illegal
    • It affected labor movement, the production of Asbestos in Quebec and led to political tensions
  • Arrival of television in Quebec

    Arrival of television in Quebec
    • 1952 TV arrived in Quebec
    • Strong post-war economy allowed this and it was the start of consumer society
    • It led to exposure to American culture (Americanism) through TV: culture of freedom, material comfort, success
  • Richard Riot

    Richard Riot
    • March 17, 1955 riot breaks out in Montreal when Maurice Richard is suspended from playoffs for fighting
    • an injustice committed by anglophone NHL president against francophone Canadiens superstar caused this event
    • event becomes associated with identity and tension between French-English (all above from class slides 11)
    • It led to rise of Quebec nationalism, tensions between French and English and increase of political awareness (class notes)
  • St. Laurence Waterway completed

    St. Laurence Waterway completed
    • The needs of transportation and the development of economic led to this event.
    • It led to boost of trade and transportation, industrial growth and port development.
    • It strengthened the relations between the USA and Canada, both nations shared benefits.
  • Period: to

    The Quiet Revolution

    Jean Lesage, premier of Quebec Lester B. Pearson, the prime minister of Canada
    - Large scale of modernization(slides 28)
    - The state take more responsibility to society (interventionist)(class notes)
    - Education: secularization, compulsory attendance to age 15, free (slides 28)
    - The Welfare state
    - nationalized many province companies
    QR led to a more educated society, Quebec Neo-nationalism, higher rate of unionization, increased small francophone business and start of separatist parties
  • Nationalization of Electricity

    Nationalization of Electricity
    • State wants to control direction of economy and society for the benefit of Quebec, created economic nationalism
    • 1962 nationalized electricity by buying out all electricity companies and merged them with Hydro-Quebec into one crown corporation
    • built dams to ensure a reliable supply of electricity to even remote regions
    • It led to many jobs and great source of revenue for the State
  • 1970 October Crisis

    1970 October Crisis
    • October 1970, FLQ kidnaps James Cross and killed Liberal minister Pierre Laporte (slides 46)
    • War Measures Act invoked, military called out, some FLQ arrested, others given safe conduct to Cuba James Cross released
    • Quebec radical Nationalism and the Desire for Sovereignty led to this event
    • The event was a major factor in the eventual rise of the Parti Québécois, solidified the divide between Quebec nationalists and federalists, leading to further political and social tensions
  • 1973 Oil Crisis

    1973 Oil Crisis
    • 1973 Arab-Israeli war breaks out, OPEC raises prices of oil to weaken non-Arab countries that supported Israel
    • Western economic growth stagnated due to oil shortages and increase in cost of transportation and goods
    • Quebec enters period of economic instability, inflation and reduced purchasing power (all from class slides 51)
  • 1977 Charter of the French Language (Bill 101)

    1977 Charter of the French Language (Bill 101)
    • Francophones worried French language losing ground to English. It led to Bill 101
    • 1977 Charter of the French Language (Bill 101) passed to protect and promote language
    • It required children of immigrants attend francophone school until end of high school and imposed French only on commercial and public signs, inside and outside
    • Bill 101 causes many anglophones left for Ontario (Class slides 56)