[1945-1980] The Modernization of Québec & The Quiet Revolution

By JoyW
  • Period: to

    1944-1959: Maurice Duplessis (Union Nationale)

    Maurice duplessis was premier of quecbec. Political change: defending Quebec’s autonomy. An economic change: foreign investment, regional development, economic liberalism, attract american business, exploit natural resource, bring in electricity to rural development to farmers for dup be reelected, intervention. Social change: mass consumption, americanism. Significance: quebec comsumer society, strong church ties, rural areas more develope, diversity. ( s 9,10, 17, 25,26)
  • 1945: Act to Promote Rural Electrification

    Cause →
    What were the underlying issues, tensions, or conflicts that led to this event??
    dup( union national) worried about quebec rural pop and province should depend on agriculture.
    Rural areas represent voters to ensure dup reelection by modernize these areas give electricity.
    what really happened was electrical milking machine, milking cows less time so increase. production more economy stimulation.
    result economic devolpement in farm areas.