First televised Presidential debate
The first two ever televised were JFK and Nixon. This new form of political media was very different and was initially a bad look for nixon. -
First airing of “The Flintstones”
An extremely popular tv show that continued until 1966. -
President Kennedy is elected
JFK went to beat Lyndon B Johnson for presidency on that date of 11/08/1960. He had won in the electoral college with a 303 - 219 and popular vote of 100,000. -
The Beatles arrive in the United States
The Beatles were spreading rapidly in the world for their new rock and roll. Making it to the US they were met with extreme love. Their first performance was one of the monumental events of music pop culture due to the shear amount of the radio they controlled. -
Berlin Wall is constructed
After Germany is split to the US and Soviets, a wall was made on the Soviets side in order to keep in and keep out civilians. -
Roger Maris of the Yankees breaks Babe Ruth’s single season home run record
A record was set beating Babe Ruths last record and replacing it for one of 61 home runs in a season. -
SDS releases its Port Huron statement
It was a political manifesto around the American Student activist movement. -
Marilyn Monroe dies
Icon in the 60s passes away on this date. Was known as a sex symbol. -
James Meredith registers at Ole Miss
James Meredith officially became the first African American student at the University of Mississippi but endured large amounts of harassment. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
This was an event that spanned 13 days which the Soviets kept a nuclear war head we had found on the island of Cuba. A nuclear warhead that close had the US in panic. -
“Dr. No” the first James Bond movie premiers
The start to a well loved saga in pop culture around spies and secret agents. -
Dr. King’s “I Have A Dream” Speech
After a march in Washington DC over civil rights which was a massive gathering, MLK delivered this speech touching the world as an example for bravery and future civil rights issues everywhere. -
John F Kennedy is assassinated
A tragic death of JFK made many conspire over who was really responsible and why. But the official story is that Lee Harvey Oswald shot him and was acting alone. -
The Beatles appear on Ed Sullivan
The whole event was considered huge for pop culture and music. British music had never been so big worldwide. -
New York World’s Fair begins
A large showing of architecture portraying the world of 2064. -
Lyndon B Johnson defeats Barry Goldwater
Lyndon B Johnson wins the election post JFK´s death. It was a landslide win. -
Russians send the first man into space
The first ever man in space was Russian and he completed one orbit around our earth. This set off a panic for the US and created a race between the two to the moon. -
Malcolm X assassinated
Another civil rights activist with different methods but the same goal as MLK assasinated. -
San Francisco “Summer of Love” begins
100,000 including hippies and young people moving to San Francisco. -
First NFL Football Super Bowl
First ever Superbowl held at the LA memorial coliseum. Starting a yearly event for culture in the US still done till today. -
Boxer Muhammed Ali refuses military service
Due to religious reasons, him and many other refused service in vietnam. He was stripped of his title and fined 10000. -
Beatles release Sgt. Pepper’s album
People loved this album and was one of their biggest. At the time it was considered by some to be the best album ever. The album alone changed music popculture. -
Thurgood Marshall nominated to the Supreme Court
The first African american nominated by Lyndon B Johnson to be on the supreme court. -
Martin Luther King Jr. assassinated
Shortly after JFK´s death there was another large loss for the US in MLK due to a man named James Earl Ray. -
Robert Kennedy is assassinated
Robert Kennedy soon after his brothers death attempted to run for president where he met the same circumstances to his death through assassination. He was predicted to win as well. -
Protests at the 1968 Democratic National Convention
Riots that broke out at the convention center over protests of -
LSD declared illegal by the U.S. government
Despite its huge role in the Woodstock concert which would be the biggest one ever it was banned and made illegal in the US -
Richard Nixon is elected
Nixon won the election in the year 1969 over Hubert H Humphrey. He was a popular president initially but his paranoia ended up causing controversy where he ended up having to step down. -
Stonewall riots
A riot that broke over police and gay rights activists that happened at a bar in New York City. -
American astronauts land on the moon
Millions gathered around their TV´s to watch the first astronauts on the moon. This event was important in the cold war and for national moral. -
Woodstock concert
The largest concert ever with 500,000 at a point, celebrating non-conformity and anti war as well as the use of psychedelics. -
The Rolling Stones host the Altamont music festival
The disaster version of Woodstock. It still pulled great number but the magic of Woodstock could not be recreated like was tried. The concert also resulted in hells angels stabbing people. -
“Star Trek” TV show airs
A very popular TV show that would end up being the birth to many movies and many influences in pop culture.