21st Amendment Project

  • 18th Amendment

    18th Amendment
    People want to ban alcohol entirely and stop it from ever being used again. They felt that if you used alcohol, you were participating in the devil's activities.
  • Banned

    The 18th Amendment banned alcohol from being sold and from being used. This took place in 1919, which left lots of people very angry with the decision.
  • Period: to


    Whenever alcohol had been banned, it left lots of people outraged, and they still wanted to drink it. This would lead to people smuggling it and selling it. This was a super risky job, but it paid very well. This had started in the 1920s and would continue on until alcohol was unbanned. They would get this alcohol by trading stuff with the Native Americans.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
  • Ratified

    The 21st Amendment is officially ratified, marking the formal end of national Prohibition and the repeal of the 18th Amendment.
  • Prohibition Ends

    Prohibition Ends
    The same day the 21st Amendment is ratified, President Franklin D. Roosevelt also signs a proclamation that ends Prohibition. Alcohol could now be sold and produced again.