Ancient Greece Timeline (800- 480 BCE)

By MaryL!
  • 800 BCE

    Sparta Emerges from Dark Age

  • Period: 800 BCE to 700 BCE

    Colonization by the Greeks begins

    Places Colonized include: Black Sea, North Africa, Southern Italy, Sicily, France Spain
  • Period: 800 BCE to 700 BCE

    The Iliad & The Odyssey are Written Down

    Unsure of exact date but is some time during this time period
  • Period: 734 BCE to 724 BCE

    First Messenian War

    War Between Sparta Messenia
  • 724 BCE

    Sparta Conquers Messenia

    This event ended the first Messenian war between Sparta Messenia
  • Period: 700 BCE to 600 BCE

    Naucratis: First Greek Settlement in Egypt

  • Period: 685 BCE to 668 BCE

    Second Messenian War

  • 669 BCE

    Argos defeats Sparta

    Occurs during the battle of Hysiae
  • 650 BCE

    Sparta begins to rebuild

  • 621 BCE

    First Written laws made in Athens

  • Period: 600 BCE to 500 BCE

    Athenian Pottery becomes widespread around the Mediterranean

    Spreads due to their stories used as decorations on the pots but caused people to get sick due to the lead paint used
  • Period: 594 BCE to 593 BCE

    Solon Reforms Athens

    Gave the poor rights
    Wealthy given leadership
    Status is determined through wealth not bloodlines
    Strengthen the Athenian economy
    Minted new Athenian coinage
  • 550 BCE

    Sparta Defeats Argos

  • 550 BCE

    Peloponnesian League Formed lead by Sparta

    City States part of the League include Tegea, Corinth, Sicyon, more
  • Period: 545 BCE to 544 BCE

    Peisistratus becomes the tyrant of Athens after 3 coups

  • 544 BCE

    Lydia conquered by Cyrus, Great king of Persia

  • 544 BCE

    Battle of 300 Champions, Argos vs Sparta

    Happen to settle a dispute
  • 539 BCE

    Persia conquers Babylon

    Persia is now the worlds largest empire
  • Period: 528 BCE to 510 BCE

    Hippias & Hipparchus rule Athens as tyrants

  • 514 BCE

    Hipparchus is Assassinated

  • 510 BCE

    Hippias' tyrannical rule ends with the invasion of Sparta

  • 508 BCE

    Isagoras becomes Archon of Athens

  • 507 BCE

    Democratic Revolution of Athens

    Kicked out Isagoras Sparta
    Cleisthenes' implements new democratic reforms
  • Period: 480 BCE to 800 BCE

    Archaic Greek Society