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Wartime Reconstruction
The first part of reconstruction was lead by President Lincoln and its purpose was to rebuild the Union while weakening the Confederacy. This resulted in the assassination of President Lincoln and ended the Wartime reconstruction. -
Ten Percent Plan
In 1863, President Lincoln created the Ten Percent Plan, which stated that 10 percent of Confederates had to pledge an oath of allegiance to the Union. This pledge also included a pardon and restoration of property not including slaves. The purpose of this was to shorten the war and unite the nation. -
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The Reconstruction Period
This was a period in American history after the Civil War when the government tried to integrate former slaves and confederates back into the Union. This was necessary because if slavery was still allowed and in people's minds, the conflict would arise again. They combated this by using Wartime Reconstruction, Presidential Reconstruction and Congressional Reconstruction. -
The Wade Davis Bill
This proposed bill required 50 percent of white men in Confederate states to swear a loyalty oath to the Union. In this bill also allowed Black men to vote but if they bore arms against the Union, they would be denied the right. Wade and Davis wrote this bill because they believed that the Ten Percent Plan was too lenient and were angered at Lincoln when he pocket vetoed the bill. -
Black Codes
After the 13th Amendment as Black people were slowly working towards equality, southern states passed laws that kept Black people dependent on their old owners and restricted their freedom so as to not let them get on equal footing with white people. An example of these black codes are vagrancy laws that allowed the government to remove Black kids from their parents if they thought they were homeless or otherwise destitute. These kids would be put in labor. -
Lincoln's Assassination
President Lincoln was assassinated at Ford's Theater in Washington, D.C. by stage actor John Wilkes Booth. The threat of assassination had been looming over him for a while but the news still shocked the nation and brought grief on both sides. People and officials knew that this could prolong and change the course of the war. -
Andrew Johnson's Reconstruction Plan
After President Lincoln's assassination, the vice president took over the position and commenced a new part of the Reconstruction Period called the Presidential Reconstruction. He initially followed Lincoln's reconstruction plans with pardons and the power to reclaim property for Confederates. But he didn't set laws to protect former slaves from being economically exploited by their old owners. -
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Presidential Reconstruction
After President Lincoln's assassination, Andrew Jackson took over the position. This allowed confederates to gain power throughout the nation and in government. This slowed the progress Lincoln started in ending slavery. -
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Congressional Reconstruction
In the Congressional Reconstruction, Radical republicans like Ulysses S. Grant took control of the government. They focused on ensuring the protected rights of Black people and weakening the South once again. In the end, Democrats regained power and this resulted in increasing discrimination against Black people. -
The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871
During the reconstruction period, hate groups such as the Ku Klux Klan terrorized black people and any supporters with violence and threats. This forced government action from President Ulysses S. Grant to enforce The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 which allowed mass arrests of these members and caused them to flee resulting in a decline of violence.