Eolann's Birthday
Eolann Orphaned
**not exact date -
Ernest's Birthday
Eolann and Margaux's Wedding
Eithne-Lise's Birthday
Ernest and Maggie's Wedding
Eolann and Margaux Divorced
Ernest Arrested on Assault Charges for the first time
Ernest Arrested on Assault charges (again) -- has officially taken on debt
Period: to
Ernest paying off debt
Ernest and Maggie Divorce
Ernest Meets Kieran + his friends
a few months after the divorce -
Kieran is taken by the O'driscolls, other friends killed
Ernest is arrested for association with his friends deaths
he is seen fleeing the area and accused of being involved. he is caught a few weeks later at his wilderness camp and rolls over due to survivors guilt -
Period: to
Events Of RDR2 (Chapters 1-6)
Ernest and Eolann have The ConversationTM
Ernest and Maggie bump into each other in Saint Denis
during a theft/robbery with eolann -
Ernest is getting better and stops being passively suicidal
Period: to
Events of RDR2 (Epilogue)
Period: to
Events of RDR1 (Including Epilogue)