Ernest and Eolann RDO

  • Eolann's Birthday

  • Eolann Orphaned

    **not exact date
  • Ernest's Birthday

  • Eolann and Margaux's Wedding

  • Eithne-Lise's Birthday

  • Ernest and Maggie's Wedding

  • Eolann and Margaux Divorced

  • Ernest Arrested on Assault Charges for the first time

  • Ernest Arrested on Assault charges (again) -- has officially taken on debt

  • Period: to

    Ernest paying off debt

  • Ernest and Maggie Divorce

  • Ernest Meets Kieran + his friends

    a few months after the divorce
  • Kieran is taken by the O'driscolls, other friends killed

  • Ernest is arrested for association with his friends deaths

    he is seen fleeing the area and accused of being involved. he is caught a few weeks later at his wilderness camp and rolls over due to survivors guilt
  • Period: to

    Events Of RDR2 (Chapters 1-6)

  • Ernest and Eolann have The ConversationTM

  • Ernest and Maggie bump into each other in Saint Denis

    during a theft/robbery with eolann
  • Ernest is getting better and stops being passively suicidal

  • Period: to

    Events of RDR2 (Epilogue)

  • Period: to

    Events of RDR1 (Including Epilogue)