Jackie Robinson enters Major League Baseball
most famous baseball player, Jackie Robinson became the first African American to play Major League Baseball in the modern era. -
Executive Order 9981 signed by President Truman
They mandated the desegregation of the U.S. armed forces, ensuring "equality of treatment and opportunity for all persons in the armed services without regard to race, color, religion, or national origin -
Executive Order 9981 signed by President Truman
ordering the desegregation of the federal workforce and the military. President Truman's decision to issue these orders and his actions that led up to that decision set the course for civil rights for the rest of the century. -
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a public bus because a white man wanted her set and this started a hole new era. -
Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court Ruling
The US Supreme Court rules that segregation in public schools is unconstitutional, Us supreme court was ruled of the Brown v. Board of Education. -
Emmett Till is murdered
Historians have argued that the murder of Emmett Till was the catalyst for the grassroots civil rights movement -
Black Panther Party is formed
The Black Panther Party was a Marxist–Leninist and black power political organization founded by college students Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton in October 1966 in Oakland, California -
Little Rock Nine Intervention
Where 9 black kids attended their first day white other white kids who judge. -
Greensboro Sit-In Protest
The four students sat down at the lunch counter at the Woolworth's in downtown Greensboro, where the official policy was to refuse service to anyone but whites. Denied service, the four young men refused to give up their seats. -
Integration of Ole Miss Riots
A federal appeals court ordered the University of Mississippi to admit James Meredith, an African-American student. Upon his arrival, a mob of more than 2,000 white people rioted; two people were killed. -
Freedom Summer
People from a college came to Mississippi to volunteers for the blacks to vote. -
Civil Rights Act of 1964 is passed
The act outlawed segregation in big business and hotels food places and jobs. -
The Selma Marches / Bloody Sunday
The Selma to Montgomery marches were three protest marches, held in 1965, along the 54-mile highway from Selma, Alabama, to the state capital of Montgomery. -
Loving v. Virginia Supreme Court ruling
A unanimous Court struck down state laws banning marriage between individuals of different races, holding that these anti-miscegenation statutes violated both the Due Process and the Equal Protection Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment.
A white man and women got married and it was crossing the law. -
March on Washington / I Have a Dream Speech
The purpose of the march was to advocate for the civil and economic rights of African Americans, For Martin to finally say the speech and give people freedom.