
Communication timeline

  • 600 BCE

    Talking drum

    Talking drum
    Talking drums were a type of drum that had come from the Ghana empire. The way these drums could communicate through long distances was by mimicking the sound of human speech. People were taught to recognize different beats as words. While they were originally used for song and storytelling, many people still used them.
  • 550 BCE


    The first and best documented claim of the use of mail was with King Cyrus the Great. He mandated that in his kingdom, every province would organize reception and delivery of post to each of its citizens. He also created the 'courier-house' which was a postal service that was used throughout his empire.
  • 500 BCE

    carrier pigeons

    carrier pigeons
    Carrier pigeons back in 500 BC where used for many long distance communication. They were a type of domestic pigeon that were bred for their ability to find its way home over long distances. Through this ability, they were used to carry messages over long distances.
  • Telegraph

    A telegraph was a communication system that sent information by making and breaking electrical connection. The way they were able to actually understand messages with this invenntion was through Morse code which was dots and dashes. The telegraph included a small ink needle that would put down these dots and dashes that could then be understood in words.
  • Telephone

    The telephones worked by converting sound waves into electrical waves that were sent over wires to the reciever where they were converted back into sound. This was extremely useful as it was very quick and you could send private messages by voice which was like nothing else before it.
  • Radio

    The radio would work by using sound waves and radio waves. Those radio waves could travel through anything. air, space, and solid objects, all the way to the radio receiver which would change those waves back into sound waves and turn it into sounds, words, and music.
  • TV

    The first electric TV made by 21 year old Philo Tayler Farnsowrth worked with a CRT to convert electrical signals onto images on the screen. Before this there was only mechanical televisions.
  • Wireless Phone

    Wireless Phone
    The first Wireless phone made in 1973 was made on a DynaTac 8000x made my motorala. Mobile phones however didn't gain much popularity until 1990s and in 1992 the first text message was sent.
  • Internet

    The earliest version of the internet was released on 1983 on a communications protocol that ran through many different networks. It used dialup phone lines and allowed people to send messages across the world. The spread of the internet really picked up in the 90s when Mircosoft launched windows and java, internet explorer and yahoo were also created.