CRM Timeline

By Jayde O
  • NAACP Was Founded

    NAACP Was Founded
    NAACP was founded because of the discrimination against black Americans.
  • Jackie Robinson joined the Brooklyn Dodgers

    Jackie Robinson joined the Brooklyn Dodgers
    He was the first African American to join the MLB.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    It was a court case that said segregation in schools was unconstitutional. This over turned the "separate but equal" quote.
  • Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man

    Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man
    Rosa Parks refused to go by the laws of segregation and give her seat up to a white man so she was arrested.
  • Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1957

    Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1957
    The Civil Rights Act gave the African Americans their right to vote.
  • Desegregation of Central High in Little Rock, Arkansas

    Desegregation of Central High in Little Rock, Arkansas
    Nine black students were enrolled in a white school and they were treated poorly.
  • Sit-in at Woolworth’s lunch counter

    Sit-in at Woolworth’s lunch counter
    A protest where African Americans refused to leave a diner until they were served their food.
  • CORE “freedom ride”

    CORE “freedom ride”
    African Americans flew to New Orleans to test the government's willingness.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    To gain the right of African Americans.
  • Dr. King was thrown into Birmingham Jail

    Dr. King was thrown into Birmingham Jail
    He led the march and sent a letter which caused him to go to jail.
  • Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964
    This outlawed discrimination in public places.
  • Voting Rights Act

    Voting Rights Act
    It prohibited discrimination in voting.
  • “Bloody Sunday”

    “Bloody Sunday”
    The people who were attacked on the Edmund Pettus Bridge.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated

    Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated
    He was shot on a balcony in Tennesse.