Jan 1, 621
First covenant of Al-Aqabah
First Covenant of Al-Aqabah. 12 people from Madinah accept the Prophet's call to Islam and sign a pledge in which they agree to obey Allah, not commit murder, adultery or steal. -
Jan 1, 622
The Prophet Muhammad commands the Makkan muslims to migrate to Madinah,
Hijrah.The Prophet Muhammad commands the Makkan muslims to migrate to Madinah, and after they are safely there migrates himself to establish the first Islamic state. The Islamic Calendar begins from this date. -
Jan 1, 656
Islamic Rule
Vast areas of North Africa, including Cyprus, Morocco, Tripoli and Tunisia, are brought under Islamic rule. Roman Empire, the Persian Empire and the whole of Egypt are brought under Islamic rule.
Constantine, Emperor of Rome, attacks Alexandria with a naval fleet of 6,000 men but is defeated by the Muslim naval force.
Civil war with unruly and angry mobs. -
Jan 1, 1453
Muslim empire decline in power
The Muslim empires of the Middle East decline in power. The Ottoman Empire loses territory and influence to Russia and Austria -
First Great Aliya
Start of the first great aliya, or mass immigration of Jews to the Holy Land. There had always been a Jewish population - much smaller than the Palestinian one - and over the centuries there had been sporadic immigration of Jews from the diaspora. -
The Sykes-Picot agreement
The Sykes-Picot agreement between France and Britain secretly promises to divide Ottoman holdings in the Middle East between the nations. -
The McMahon correspondences
The McMahon Correspondences between Sir Hanry McMahon, British High Commisioner of Cairo, and the Sherif Hussein of Mecca apparently promise Arab independence in large portions of the Middle East, including Palestine, which is today Israel. -
Support for Jewish national home in Palestine
400 years of Ottoman rule ended by British conquest;
British Foreign Minister Balfour pledges support for establishment of a "Jewish national home in Palestine". -
British grants mandate for land of Israel
Britain granted Mandate for Palestine (Land of Israel) by League of Nations
Transjordan set up on three-fourths of the area, leaving one-fourth for the Jewish national home
Jewish Agency representing Jewish community vis-a-vis Mandate authorities set up. -
Birth of Israel
The Birth of Israel -
Israel procalims itself as state
with the withdrawal of the last British forces, Israel proclaimed itself a state and immediatly won recognition from the United States and the Soviet Union -
Israel admitted to united nations
Armistice agreements signed with Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon.
Jerusalem divided under Israeli and Jordanian rule.
First Knesset (parliament) elected.
Israel admitted to United Nations as 59th member. -
Israel suprise attack against Egypt
Israeli leaders placed little faith in diplomatic solutions, they launched a suprise attack, destroying most of the Egyptian and Syrian air forces on the ground. -
President of Egypt seeks peace with Israel
Egyptian President Anwar Sadat sought peace with Israel, the first Arab nation to do so. Along with US President Jimmy Carter, Sadat met with Israeli Prime Minister Menahem Begin at Camp David. There they drew up the Camp David accords which called for peace between Egypt and Isra -
Decline of control of the Abassids
The decline in the control of the Abassids over their far-reaching empire allows the Seljuks, a Turkish people, to gain control over much of Asia Minor and the Persian Empire to break free.