
Dr. Carter G. Woodson by Deasya Mitchell

By MrZobb
  • Carter Is Born

    Carter was born in New Canton,Virgina
  • Him As A Teenage Adult

    Him As A Teenage Adult
    The Woodsons moved to Fayette County, West Virginia, where his father worked in railroad construction, and where he himself found work as a coal miner.
  • Carters Teenage Years

    Carters Teenage Years
    As a teenager he worked as an agricultural day laborer.
  • Teenage Year

    Teenage Year
    Woodson graduated from Berea in 1903, just a year before Kentucky passed the "Day Law," prohibiting interracial education.
  • Teaching The Good

    After college, Woodson taught at Frederick Douglass High School in West Virginia.
  • Teaching Experience

    After college, Woodson taught at Frederick Douglass High School in West Virginia.
  • Working to HelpThe Needs

    Working to HelpThe Needs
    His difference of opinion with Grimké, who wanted a more conservative course, contributed to Woodson's ending his affiliation with the NAACP.
  • Quiting His Job

    Quiting His Job
    He retired from teaching in 1922 and spent the remainder of his life rescuing, researching, and writing about the African American experience. He earned the title of Father of Black History.
  • The End Of Life

    The End Of Life
    He died on April 3, 1950, in Washington, D.C.