• Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    The cotton Gin was invented by Whitney in 1793. It was supposed to be a tool to revolutionize ethical slavery. This tool would separate the seeds from the cotton, which was thorny and labor intensive. The unintended consequence was the fact that with the cotton gin, slavery would become much more widespread. When the production of cotton went up, more and more slaves were needed to pick cotton for this demand. This would cause slavery, which was starting to fizzle out, to explode in popularity.
  • Abolition movement

    Abolition movement
    The abolitionist movement started out as whites who proposed sending blacks back to Africa to stop the divide in the North and South. This early movement would later turn into the Anti-Slavery society. Free blacks, enlightened whites, and northerners would unite to stop slavery in the south. These Anti-Slavery abolitionists worked to petition for the freedom of slaves and would debate and fight to free them. These group of people would fight in the Civil War