• Period: to

    johnson presidency

    president from 1963-1969
  • brezhnev in power 1964 oct

    intro consumer socialism- 'reformist' by MAO, wanted.
  • brezhnev doctrine 1968

    nov 1968, introduced so he would have more control over east eu.
    show willingness to intervene into any state in which socialist rule was under threat.
  • ostopolitik

    improv east-west relat, abandon hallstein doctrine
    agree and acknowl oder-neisse border
    negot and improv relat with west
    done by willy brandt who was mayor from 1966-69 and then chancellor of west berlin
  • Period: to

    nixon presidency

    president from 1969-1972
  • no agression pact signed aug 1970

    Brandt negotiate with soviets.
    signed between soviets and west ger
    aug 12 1970
  • treaty pol- ger 7 dec 1970

    treaty of warsaw- recognised oder- neisse border and made relations between ger and poland.
  • Enrich Honnecker came power 1971 may

    replaced walter ulbrich- regarded as last stalinist,
    honnkr hlpd improv relats. may 1971
  • SALT I 1972

    strategic arms limitation- took 5yrs to come to agree with.
    general move to control arms/ nukes ussr and usa
    made of: anti-ballistic missile treaty 26 may 1972
    ussr and usa only allowed to fields of abms- showed they recogn each others destrucv power.
    And INTERIM AGRMNT on strategci offnsv arms: limit on icbms and slbms each side could deploy
  • Moscow summit may 1972

    may 1972, where SALT talks were finalised and agreed.
    and set out basic principles of relations between the USA and the USSR
    agrd 12 principles
    3 rlly import= 1st basc princ: peaceful co-exist,
    2nd avoid conflict, prvnt nuke war and situation that rise intern tensions.
  • 2 gers recogn eachother dec 1972

    huge breakthrough in detente- they recogn eachother
    hallstein doctrine officially dead.
    usa recogn usa must dvlp detente with ussr before west ger detente marginalises usa influence out of eu
  • nixon visit china 1972

    brought sino-us tensions to end.
    carter influencd by brezinski- dfs secr- china huge import for us glbl strtgy.
    den xiaop- same view.- succesor of mao- 1976
    potent obstcle to sino-us relat= taiwan
  • anti- ballistic missile treaty

    was one of the main agrmnts on SALT I
    limit ussr and usa to construct two fields of ABMS - no more that 100.
    ussr placed on around moscow and usa put one around an ICMS site.
    made ABMS useless
  • interim agreement on the limitations of strategic offnsv arms

    made 26 may 1972 as part of the SALT I agrmnts
    limit nb of icbms and slbms each side could deploy. aswell as mirvs eachside could carry.
    froze nb of existing launchers at the one they're at.
    USA at 1054 icbms, ussr 1618
    656 slbms usa, 740 ussr
    450 strategic bmbrs, 140 USSR VALID ONLY %YRS- no agree on mirvs and newer tech
  • Basic treaty

    attmpt to normalise relat between 2.
    signd in east berlin 21/12/1972
    commtd to further econ relat
    recogn sovernty
    gave way to other country relat with GDR
    took official effect in june 1973- some countries like australia- dec 1972, uk, nthrlnds, fr- feb 1973 make relations
  • FRG and GDR mbs of UN

    by end of 1973 both in UN
  • Vladivostok summit nov 1974

    kssngr chief negotiat with ussr, talks to brezhnev about mvmnt of stratg missile on both sides
    try make plan for next 10 yrs,
    preliminary move towards SALT II-
    agree equal nb of icbms and slbm launchers.
    some opposition in usa internal gov
  • james schesinger secret of defe

    on arms race he thoufh usa should have stratgc superior over ussr
  • thieu resignation

    due to high nb of defeats through 1973 thieu resign
    21 april 1974
  • vietnam war product

    by end 58,000 us soldiers had died in viet and the cost was $167 billion
  • bombing of viet by end product

    643,000 tones of bombs were dropped on north and 700,000 tones on south, alongside agent orange and napalm ( more bombs then were dropped in the entirety of ww2)
    85% of pop had top be resettled
  • vietnam deaths by end

    1.1 mill vietcong dided and up to 1/3 million arvn died as well as approx 250,000 civilians
  • cambodia 1975

    khmer rouge- commies- pol pot
    nation used as battle foder
    sprin 1975 khmer rouge control
    usa angry with cambod idrct supprt cambod- but small country couldnt do anything
    most of vietcong based east cambod-
    more than 2mill tons of mbms btwn 1969-73 done in secret
  • camodia after sth viet fell communism

    had 4yrs of caos,
    capital evacuated with 2 mill ppl pol pot- said 1975 yr 0 back to agriculture and tradition, sick and elderly drgd out, mass extermination.
    lost 95% dctrs, 85% tchrs, huge famine- 2 mill ppl out of 8 mill died.
    chinese and viet wiped out- ethnic cleansing.
  • henry kissinger convinced ford send more aid

    $25 mill in supplies and $16 mill in arms
    july 1975
  • fnla- pro us faction in angola

    usa sent $300,000 covert funding in jan 1975 to help them.
  • south Vietnamese troops surrender

    south troops surrend to north , viet reunif and comm intro in south, 1.5 mill ppl flee
    20april 1975
  • Helsinki accords

    eu detente reach high point
    35 states came- includ cand and usa- all eu countires except albania.
    each had right to veto
    3 baskets agrd
    baskt 1- security in eu
    baskt 2- co-op in econ,scien,tech and environm
    baskt3- human rights
  • USA opposition in gov towards salt 2

    Joint chief of staff chairman Donald Rumsfield and general George Brown, many others, includ ford presd- oppose kssngr, new plan propose to brezhnv= reject. clear no SALT II agreemnts to be reachd.
    was election yr so ford, wantd support
  • ussr ss-20 missiles in central eu

    this breached detente, the 1968 non proliferation treaty so already jeopardising detente

    SEATO disbanded bcuz of laos, cambodia and viet, obviously was not proving to effective
  • den xiaoping 1976

    new ldr of china after mao
    emphasis on centrality, economy over revolutions
  • carter administration bagean

    was prsdnt from 20 jan 1977- wantd to hugely increase arms reduc prgrm.
    cartr under signif pressure.
    esp from ZBIGNIEW BREZINSKI- under carter he was the national security advisor- adpt hard line position on arms reduct
  • Period: to

    Jimmy carter

    president from 20 jan 1977 to 20 jan 1981
  • USSR receive proposal from carter adminis

    carter adminis not intrestd in simply finish ksngr plan from vladivstok- want continue and improv,
    28 march 1977 ussr get details
    reduce strtgc systm from 2400 agrd at vldvstk to 1800 and 2000 and nb launchrs rom 1320 to 1100
    mdrn 1cbms-150, nb launchrs icbms and mirvs to 550.
    ban all cruise missile range over 2500
    heavy bmbrs can have lnchrs- range 600-2500
    brzhnv though vladivstk agrmnt = binding so carter baheve in very unaccpt manner
  • Pope Paul II elected

    he was a polish pope, imprtn for solidarity mvmnt, went a showed sprt for anti comm
    visited pol 1979
    pope spoke of need to reunit eu , open brdrs and reconcilliation of ppl
    12 mill poles witnessed this.
  • viet- cambodia war

    started in 1978 december, over border disputes. khumer rouge overthrown - commies and a new gov put into place
  • china- usa agrmnt taiwan dec 1978

    china concede on demand usa cease aid militry to taiwan.
    usa- taiwan prblm resolv peacefully.
    agrd to diplomatic relat- sino-us from 1979 1 jan
  • ussr- usa nuke probs

    usa- cartr couldnt get ussr to agree to stop produc of ss-20 missiles- or reduc hvy stck missiles.
    usa readrss grwng nuke inbalance bough about new wpns- establ new stealth bmbs
  • Afghn= Mahammad Daoud khan overthrown

    he was the kings former cousin, he was in power since 1973, was not left enough small factions unhappy- failure to implement socialist policies
  • increase militry expeditins dec 1979

    dec 1979 carter convncd eu allies to increase military expeditions by 3% and deploy s72 pershing II and cruise missiles.
    ussr continue deploy ss-20 throughout warsaw pact allies.
    threat to NATO defence stratgy
  • SALT II 1979

    limit of 2250 delivery systems
  • ussr invade afghn

    the former kings cousin mahmood dhaoud overthrown by pdpa- not implmnt socialist reforms. a faction of the leftist regime took charge but susceptible to influence, ussr fear that they would align with the usa and china. share a 2500km border- also islamist central states of asia are in ussr and so fear the impact that all this would have on the ussr
  • Period: to

    den xiaoping

    visit usa from 29 jan 1979 to 4 feb 1979
  • Vienna summit june 1979

    desprt delays both ussr and usa want salt II
    agrmnt finally announcd and signed 9 may 1979
  • poland solidarity

    started with a strike in a lenin shipyard in Gadansk
    the leader LECH WALESA- started bcuz they wanted to fire somoene who worked their for long time. And protest rise in high food prices- 100% increase
    not meant to be political or anti-comm just wanted reform states relat with ppl
    10 mill mbs
  • ussr evil empire - reagan

  • Stop any agrmnt of salt II

    carter asks the senate to stop talks because of sov invasion of afgh, which was seen as a breach of detente and huge growing tensions
  • carter and us measures against ussr

    limits on fishing- ussr in usa water
    embargo on trade
    ban on sale of high techn and strategic items to sovs
    usa econ and milit aid to pkstn to increase state security
  • carter doctrine

    defense of the persian gulf, basically containment but in asia
    set up to stop ussr infl in region
    would be done militarily so build up US strategic forces
    strnghtn relat with china
  • carter increase defence budget

  • Margaret Thatcher letter to reag of support

    honeymoon of anlo-amrc relat
    constant visitng eachothers countries
    speech in parliament- 'crusade of freedom against sov
    reagan 'freedon on offensive'
  • martial law imposed poland

    demonstrations banned, gatherings- made solidarnosc go underground
    made a curfew of 10pm-6am
    official permission needed to go away from home for more than 48hrs
    only one state radio and tv station allowed
    jaruleski-ldr of pol in chrge until 1989 and 700,000 ppl fled
    initially poliburo- main policy making adminsit ussr decided not to do anything not worth the west sanctions and response
  • KAL 007 shot down

    was a south korean play that went into ussr air space, they thought it was a spy plane and they shot it down.
    West furious- had 61 americans on board, 269 ppl, all dead