96 BCE
Taking Initiative
At Age 4 Julius Caesar has entered his 3rd stage, the Initivate vs Guilt Stage. As such he begins to take inititave when he has to do chores, instead of being told when to do his chores he starts doing them on his own accord. Julius also begins to feel guilt when his parents tell him he shouldn't walk barefoot in the mud and come back in the house. -
84 BCE
Finding Identity
At age 16 Julius has entered his 5th stage, the Identity vs Role Confusion stage. He believes he will become a powerful figure in Rome, and wants radical change in the Roman Republic, his mother (his only parent) does not approve of this. She thinks the Roman Elite lifestyle is very dangerous and isn't something he should get involved with. -
44 BCE
Generativity vs Stagnation
At age 55 Julius has entered the 7th stage of development, the Generativty vs Stagnation stage. Which is ultimatley his last stage. He feels somewhat comfortable, but still feels like he needs to kill more of his political rivals before they kill him. Julius nonetheless still feels happy, and teaches his adopted son Augustus, the in's and out's of politics. He is then assassinated.