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first draft

  • 1/ pop·up : NIV Art Centre

    1/ pop·up : NIV Art Centre
    First iteration at NIV Art Gallery, New Delhi, with a group of five artists- Sonam, Tatjana Henderieckx, Charlot Van Geert, Priyesh Gothwal, Priyank Gothwal. Each displaying their preliminary ideas, like rough sketches. This exercise served as a ground to play & explore the effects & potentials of an idea in its nascent form.
  • 1/ pop·up : NIV Art Centre

    1/ pop·up : NIV Art Centre
    Each artist showed their preliminary drafts an exercise that gave us the scope to play around and create a space for dialogue, critique and dissemination.
  • 1/ pop·up : NIV Art Centre

    1/ pop·up : NIV Art Centre
    The nature of first draft is to keep mutating and remain in flux; it tries to retain a porosity through the ephemerality of a pop-up-- a draft, always-in-progress.
  • Period: to


    The 2nd iteration took place in July 2019, at a residential space in Delhi with Sonam, Priyank Gothwal, Priyesh Gothwal, Divya Singh, Suvani Suri & Neeraj Patel.
  • first draft's 1/ pop·up show featured in Emergent Art Space

    first draft's 1/ pop·up show featured in Emergent Art Space
    First Draft: a two day Pop-Up Show | New Delhi, India
    May 4, 2018 | by Shalmali Shetty

    During the Building Bridges exhibition in New Delhi, last February, Sonam Chaturvedi and Tatjana Henderieckx joined with three other artists, Charlot Van Geert from Belgium and Priyank and Priyesh Gothwal from India, to put up a new, experimental exhibition, sharing ideas, drafts, projects, and showing them to the public.
  • Scan to read the article on first draft's 1/ pop·up show featured in Emergent Art Space

    Scan to read the article on first draft's 1/ pop·up show featured in Emergent Art Space
    Scan to read the article on first draft's 1/ pop·up show featured in Emergent Art Space
  • 2/ pop·up : terrace/6464

    2/ pop·up : terrace/6464
    The second iteration took place on 13th of July at the terrace of a residential space in Vasantkunj, with Neeraj Patel, Suvani Suri, Divya Singh, Priyank Gothwal, Priyesh Gothwal and Sonam.
    It followed the same intent as the first one with a separate group of artists and displaying at a residential space instead; the works became co-habitants within the existing home-environ, architecture, belongings- thereby using the available resources.
  • 2/ pop·up : terrace/6464

    2/ pop·up : terrace/6464
    Through a first draft pop-up the drafts get a ground for meaningful and constructive critique, cross-connections and fuel for reworking and developing them further.
  • 2/ pop·up : terrace/6464

    2/ pop·up : terrace/6464
    The show was on for only two days, as a pop-up, something that pops up and vanishes in no time. We take barely a day to set up the display-- it pops up for 2-3 days-- and swoosh.. its gone!
  • 1/first draft : a potluck of things

    1/first draft : a potluck of things
    The first gathering at a residential space, the prompt was to bring an object to the table you would like to share with others, and these served as anchors as well as boats that allowed to wander in the flow of conversations/chats/gossips..
    A relaxing evening of meeting people, of friendships, of sharing, connecting, laughing, eating, drinking, playing, having chai pakodas, running to take shelter from the rain, sharing intimate vulnerable moments with mutual trust, warmth kindness.
  • 1/ first draft : a potluck of things

    1/ first draft : a potluck of things
    There was a pre- positioning of the participants, the way the bodies were choreographed in the space, around a table, set forth an informal space, not knowing each other made them conscious and shy. Slowly, the formalness receded as the objects that served as a trigger, unfolded layers of conversations, stories, anecdotes, personal outpouring, trust, care, laughter, playfulness.. forming an intimacy as the evening sunk into night sleepover morning.
    + Aarushi, Sumedha, Akshay, Sonam, Anarya
  • 1/ first draft : a potluck of things

    1/ first draft : a potluck of things
    The objects ranged from old pieces of chalk from childhood to medicine strips prescribed during Covid, a handwritten list of vegetables to a tiny cat figurine and so on. Alongwith the objects, the bodies of the participants served as an archive of all that was associated with them, thereby re-enacting them together through this draft-ing process. The role of a drink /beverage and food, played an integral role in shifting the performance of intimacy.
  • Period: to


    Forging through the pandemic and its resulting isolation, the pop-up shows evolved into a series of gatherings, called 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘥𝘳𝘢𝘧𝘵·ings. We meet in small groups of 6-8 people at residential/non-commercial spaces whereby we think & share through a pre-decided collective prompt. The conversations could sprout into more connections & extensions, whereby we need not create, yet being open to any form of residue left behind and/or taken forward, to branch into slow gatherings of sorts.
  • 2/ first draft : 'about fall'

    2/ first draft : 'about fall'
    For the second gathering of first draft·ings, we took Linklater’s depiction of the fall as a prompt and named the session- 'about fall'. Visitors were invited to bring any signifier/ representation/ story.. anything they would like to share related to this prompt.
  • 2/ first draft : 'about fall'

    2/  first draft : 'about fall'
    Evening of sharing experiences, stories, anecdotes, jokes, around the texts, visuals, sound pieces or objects each person had brought in response to the prompt -- about fall. Many strings of thoughts and conversations developed while the 'fall' also kept reshaping and mutating into various forms- suspending, flying, lingering, repeating, drifting, rebirthing, losing, drowning, rising, love, freedom and so on..
  • 2/ first draft : 'about fall'

    2/ first draft : 'about fall'
    The conversations evolved around- night-fall, sunset, falling of a star and the light reaching us years after it has died, fall as an end but also an inevitability towards a beginning, falling asleep, light from our devices falling on us as we lie down, refraining us from sleeping, dreams of falling and flying, floating on water- are a few residues that lingered from the evening.
  • 3/ first draft : movie excerpts

    3/ first draft : movie excerpts
    (..watched movie clips from) ›
    · Idiot (1991-)
    · Pina (2011) documentary
    · Food (1992), Darkness, Light, Darkness (1989)
    · Tere Naam (2003)
    Borrowing from the Slow Thought Manifesto, the gatherings revealed the nature of the meetings as ‘playful’. Play creates its own time, rules and sense of order. Reiterating the ‘cinders’ that arise in first draft·ings, intimacy thus, comes as something disguised and not-so-evident, much like play. The gatherings offer a space for respite and letting go.
  • 3/ first draft : movie excerpts

    3/ first draft : movie excerpts
    The winter evening turned out to be a cozy and intimate space where we lied down under blankets, sipping chai/rum with pakodas and 🍕, looking at the sky turning dark, spotting Jupiter-Saturn-Venus and talking about the movies from the technicalities of the camera, movement, cinematography, screenplay, to the depiction of relationships, childhood, slowness, healing, death, their absurdity and surreality, gender and racial biases that have always dominated mainstream cinema.
  • 3/ first draft : movie excerpts

    3/ first draft : movie excerpts
    The pastel colored palettes from The Colors of Pomegranates (1969, dir. Sergei Parajanov) were music to our eyes and led us to watch more than just a clip from the film, ‘Can we watch a little more’? all of us submitted to the urge..
    Watched movie clips from ›
    · Marriage Story (2019)

    · Scenes from a Marriage (2021)
    · Paterson (2016)
    · The Seen and Unseen (2017)
    · The Colors of Pomegranates (1969)
    · Minari (2020)
    · I Lost my Body (2019)
    · Delicatessen (1991)
    · Kill your Darlings (2013)
  • 4/ first draft : listening experience

    4/ first draft : listening experience
    The approach towards this session is to shift the sense of visual to sound, from being seen within the virtual boxes to being heard and understood. Thereby, in order to generate a space for compassionate listening, we came together each bringing a short sound piece capturing our sonic spaces of isolation, leading towards a listening session.
  • 4/ first draft : listening experience

    4/ first draft : listening experience
    In the fourth session that took place on the 5th of March, we gathered at a new location /a beautiful terrace-garden. The prompt was to bring short sound pieces around listening to our surroundings and capturing the sonic environment of the last two months of isolation. The evening turned out to be an intense series of discussions and serious fun!
  • 4/ first draft : listening experience

    4/ first draft : listening experience
    While we continue drafting around the idea of coming together, we find ourselves oscillating between the ceaseless chain of rise and fall, hope and fear, anxieties and exhaustions, lingering at the threshold of the virtual and physical realms. After a pause for a siesta over the past few months, which was propelled by the increased ambivalence around meeting people, we are resuming the gatherings of first draft.
  • Trial gathering : gifting

    Trial gathering : gifting
    The gifts ranged from drawings, books, diary, wrappers within wrappers of consumable items, lamp, pendrive with IG password of a secret account and more.
  • Trial gathering : gifting

    Trial gathering : gifting
    co-gatherers were Payal Arya, Akshay, Sumedha, Sonam, Priyesh, Anarya and Priyank
  • Trial gathering : gifting

    Trial gathering : gifting
    In this iteration, we propose gifting as a method for the gathering where participants attempted to form relations through the act of giving to question the established modes of exchange and consumption.The primary intention is to share and develop conversations around our experiences of giving/receiving– as a childhood memory, as a sacrifice, as gratitude, as a prank, as a recovery method to repair relations, as a way to reminisce the giver and more– in addition to the objects gifted.
  • 5/ first draft : to wander.

    5/ first draft : to wander.
    Do we still get the time to walk together, with friends/ strangers? To wander aimlessly? To pause and rest? To find and be found, to collect and scatter, to imagine and contemplate?
    We were accompanied by a group of 10 co-walkers:
    Padmanabhan, Sumit, Roshini, Annika, Harsh, Sumedha, Priyank, sonam, Akshay and Priyesh
  • 5/ first draft : to wander.

    5/ first draft : to wander.
    To walk, wander, pause, deviate, talk, sit, lie down, search, loiter, dance, laugh, smell, look back, zone out, run, gasp, listen, be lost...
    As we gathered for the fifth draft·ings, we took a walk in Sanjay Van for about 1.5 hours, taking multiple halts/breathers and sensing the space together while also talking about our connections, experiences and memories around walking/wandering.
  • 5/ first draft : to wander.

    5/ first draft : to wander.
    We sat together and talked about our experiences
    memories related to walking at Sanjay Van.
    Sanjay Van seemed unfamiliar and different from its virtual version on google maps and photos. ‘Has anyone come here before and will be able to take us around’? As we stepped forward, we soon found ourselves following a participant into the woods, through canopies, lakesides, crooked paths, fireflies, and landing up at a Dhaba just outside as the evening receded.
  • 6/ first draft : snoozing

    6/ first draft : snoozing
    We found ourselves passing a tiny metal box that once contained Cherry Blossom shoe polish, it had been replaced with something by Priyesh. ‘It’s not important what is in the box, it's just something that helps me sleep. You all are free to hold it and pass it around’. He said when we were trying too hard to guess from its weight and sound.
  • 6/ first draft : snoozing

    6/ first draft : snoozing
    We had a large group this time, and the location was a hotel's terrace, the gathering was hosted by Kunj. Participants:
    + Kunj, sonam, Sumedha, Priyesh, Anarya, Priyank, Akshay, Gautami, Sourav, Adil, Arindam and Hano.
  • 6/ first draft : snoozing

    6/ first draft : snoozing
    Heavy with the sound of snoozing alarms and deferred sleeps, with conversations and yawns, sharing memories, objects, music, movies and more, the night went on with a series of stories and references and challenges to not fall asleep.
    While an alarm is usually set to wake up from sleep, first draft's snoozing session used it as a reminder to not fall asleep, to snooze the fall, but also to let it sneak in as tiny slippages/ naps.. here and there..
  • 10/ first draft : bring your vocabulary responding to the night-sky

    10/ first draft : bring your vocabulary responding to the night-sky
    The gathering was carefully positioned within the folds of the night, with our shared experiences lingering between the horizontal axis of the body and the night-sky. The experience of spending the night together, coupled with sharing stories, memories, vocabularies, readings, sonic-environments, references and visuals, and the interface of the phone, helped us embrace the beauty of the nightsky that is easily blurred by the city lights.
  • first draft's feature in @newindianexpress

    first draft's feature in @newindianexpress
    first draft's pop-shows and gatherings were covered by @anjanichadha in The New Indian Express's daily paper @themorningstandard.
    Anjali writes how the collaboration is making an alternative space beyond institutional structures and building a community of people across disciplines to foster exchange of ideas, friendships and 'reimagining the idea of intimacy' in our present virtual realms.
  • 7/ first draft: shared spaces

    7/ first draft: shared spaces
    The idea of a ’space’ traversed into the multiplicity of its meanings-- a space that is here yet not here, that could only exist in the future, or does not exist anywhere but is a mental image, a time, a body and its changing shadows at dusk, a space standing between occupation and abandonment; the intimacy and silence of a co-habited space at night, the history, culture and ecology of a shared place one is attached to and preserves, and their various possibilities..
  • 7/ first draft : shared spaces

    7/ first draft : shared spaces
    This gathering explored the idea of a ’space’ which traversed into the multiplicity of its meanings-- a space that is here yet not here, that could only exist in the future, or does not exist anywhere but is a mental image, a time, a body and its changing shadows at dusk, a space standing between occupation and abandonment; the intimacy and silence of a co-habited space at night, the history, culture and ecology of a shared place one is attached to and preserves.
  • 7/ first draft : shared spaces

    7/ first draft : shared spaces
    last gathering in Vadodara, moments in-transit, moving in-and-out of spaces that each person shared during the long evening.
  • 8/ Callscapes, a gathering by first draft w/ –out-of-line– as an invitation to respond to the spatiality of a call.

    8/ Callscapes, a gathering by first draft w/ –out-of-line– as an invitation to respond to the spatiality of a call.
    The FICA reading room space took various forms as the evening progressed, with the group slowly shuffling around and tuning to the conversations and the performative-- cross-connections, hiccups and hybridity of the open phone-lines intersecting the gathering.
  • 8/ Callscapes, a gathering by first draft w/ –out-of-line– as an invitation to respond to the spatiality of a call.

    8/ Callscapes, a gathering by first draft w/ –out-of-line– as an invitation to respond to the spatiality of a call.
    The prompt of this gathering was to share the habits, gestures, vocabularies, memories, experiences that mark the callscapes of the participants.
  • 8/ Callscapes, a gathering by first draft w/ –out-of-line– as an invitation to respond to the spatiality of a call.

    8/ Callscapes, a gathering by first draft w/ –out-of-line– as an invitation to respond to the spatiality of a call.
    a gathering by first draft w/ –out-of-line– at FICA, New Delhi as an invitation to respond to the spatiality of a call. The act of calling extends the environs of the callers into an intimate third space-- callscape, where each of the spaces spill into one another– cross-connect, translate, interrupt, synchronize, encrypt or create a mutuality.
  • 3/ pop·up show

    3/ pop·up show
    The form of first draft has evolved over the past five years where we keep exploring the potentiality of drafting as a method to enter into conversations, critiques, rehearsals, improvisations and more, in new ways. Ensuing a practice of teasing and toying with the artistic processes and embracing their overlaps, hiccups, extensions, rough-edges that need not smoothen, these works carry a life of their own into discursive and associative modes of being.
  • 9/ first draft -- ‘bring a page’ This gathering invited people to share a page of their choice. The page can be from a book, diary, notebook, letter, magazine, catalog, album, to-dos, webpages, and others

    9/ first draft -- ‘bring a page’   This gathering invited people to share a page of their choice. The page can be from a book, diary, notebook, letter, magazine, catalog, album, to-dos, webpages, and others
    It followed into a string of conversations as we flipped through the various forms that a page can embody. While stretching its limbs and crossing over midnight, with no end, the gathering left a looming aftertaste, thanks to the stimulants alongside the stirring discussions– pizzas, drinks and the comfort of the dotted sky.
  • 11/ first draft x AAA : share a page from a book that has influenced you.

    11/ first draft x AAA : share a page from a book that has influenced you.
    The prompt of the gathering- to share a page from a book that has influenced you-- derives from and revisits the scope of an 'influence' as subtle impressions that are residual of a book, a page, and its many constituents. In an attempt to play out how an influence can be a mode to form interpersonal connections and explore new entryways into the conversational nature of a gathering, the participants will be exchanging their pages beforehand.
  • 13/ first draft : 4hrs 30mins/ Time ~ distance

    13/ first draft : 4hrs 30mins/ Time ~ distance
    Two first draft gatherings were held simultaneously on 21 October 2023 in London and New Delhi. The simultaneous gatherings, distanced by location but connected through and across time, will form through the ideas of reflecting about and occupying 4hrs 30mins, the time-difference between both the spaces, as a proposition to think about intimate connectivities and temporal situatedness.
  • first draft x Capture All : embodied sound

    first draft x Capture All : embodied sound
    In conjunction with the symposium, Modulating Realities, the first draft, and Liquid Architecture will bring forth a gathering on the idea of sonic embodiments. Where does a sound lie within the materialities of the bodily, tangible, and various encounters? What is the potency and temperament of an embodied sound and its experience? The prompt for this gathering is to bring an embodied sound in the form of an object, gesture, performative device, recordings and live/ impromptu responses.
  • first draft : 'To recover the intimacy of transmission through slow gatherings' / excerpts

    first draft :  'To recover the intimacy of transmission through slow gatherings' / excerpts
    Published at Performance Research Journal by Routledge Journals, Taylor Francis, vol. 28 - issue 2 - On Meeting. This reflective essay unfolds through an interplay between the distended enquiries into the gatherings and the narrative recounting of a few intimate instances and experiences.
  • 14/ first draft xNick Ferguson : (im)mobility

    14/ first draft xNick Ferguson : (im)mobility
    This gathering was ideated with @nickferguson extending from his practice around mobility, we endeavour to walk a straight line the length of one of Delhi’s most iconic civic spaces, the parade and gardens that stretch between India Gate and the seat of Government. In doing so, we open to investigation the various changes and consistencies in the way this environment might be experienced since its inauguration in 1931.
  • 15/ first draft c Gautami Raju : root-to-shoot

    15/ first draft c Gautami Raju : root-to-shoot
    In collaboration with Gautami Raju, the first draft gathering was conceived around the cultural and historical birthings of food. Using peels, roots, residue and offal, a cuisine is born from deeper contexts and situations where there is a need to repurpose and utilise every element of the plant or animal. While some recipes may have been concocted in dire times of scarcity, others might have been passed down as part of family histories, or both.
  • 16/ first draft x Alethia Hyun-Jin Shin : the Gift

    16/ first draft x Alethia Hyun-Jin Shin : the Gift
    The three days of gathering revolved around giving and receiving gifts. In the sessions, gifts will be given and received amongst the participants, followed by conversations related to the gestures– as a childhood memory, as a sacrifice, as a surprise, as an affection, as gratitude, as a prank, as a recovery method to repair relations, as a way to reminisce about the giver and more...
  • first draft X Aletheia X Studio A68 : Really Really Free Market

    first draft  X Aletheia X Studio A68 : Really Really Free Market
    take-take-take / give-give-give / give-take-take-give for free!
  • Root-to-shoot : footnotes and reflections by Gautamiraju, edited by first draft

    Root-to-shoot : footnotes and reflections by Gautamiraju, edited by first draft
    People gathered at a residential space cum cloud kitchen run by Gautami’s family in Delhi to share their relationship with food that is unwasteful and repurposed-- cooked with peels, seeds, flowers and roots of plants, utilising every part of a plant and/or an animal while repurposing the leftovers and residues. Over the course of the evening, various kinds of recipes were shared.
    Link :
  • 17/ first draft : playtime

    17/ first draft : playtime
    Play has held a simplistic, often ignored, space in urban capitalist life. With its direct confrontation with the present hierarchical socio-economic structures designed to exploit intangibles, play is seen as a threat. It is a menace that is out of control, too unpredictable, too liberating, and difficult to capitalise unless embedded within competitive structures of reward-oriented games, commodified recreational activities and permitted leisure.
  • First draft X Kalo (Nepal) - What brings us together?

    First draft X Kalo (Nepal) - What brings us together?
    As part of our project, which revolved around South Asian collaborations, we gathered in Patan (Nepal) to respond to the prompt 'What brings us together?' - a question from our conversations during the residency.
  • First draft workshop with SNU students : image-after-image

    First draft workshop with SNU students : image-after-image
    Two-day gathering and workshop by 'first draft' at the Department of Art, Media and Performance, SHSS.
  • first draft X Smita Urmila Rajmane : 'Lakiron Ke Beech: Haqeeqaton Ka Aks'

    first draft X Smita Urmila Rajmane :  'Lakiron Ke Beech: Haqeeqaton Ka Aks'
    Hosted a game performance with participants engaging in roles that reflect the complex dance of authority and oppression, instinctively revealing their true selves. Inspired by Vijay Tendulkar's notion of violence as a 'Truth Drug' and Augusto Boal's Theatre of the Oppressed, this journey allows individuals to understand how human mentality operates within hierarchy systems.
  • first draft X Klara Paterok : Time as an ingredient

    first draft X Klara Paterok : Time as an ingredient
    Taking from Klara's recent sculptural work using sugar and creating crystallised forms/ Felsenzucker inspired by microscopic imageries of sand, furthering into their resemblance to rock formations in the Alps. The process involves looking at different scales of time, thinking about the origins of the sand grains from the mountains, and making sugar crystals in a kitchen pot. The hundreds of years crystallised in seconds, in a poetic way of looking at the sand grain.