French revolution

  • Galileo's "Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems"

    Galileo's "Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems"
    Galileo published his work which included ideas that significantly influenced and gave way to the ideals of Enlightenment.
  • Discourse on the Method

    Discourse on the Method
    Rene Descartes publishes "Discourse on the Method," the first physical evidence of "Enlightenment" and the backbone of the philosophy. It coined the famous phrase, "Cogito ergo sum," or "I think therefore I am."
  • The Age of Enlightenment begins

    The Age of Enlightenment begins
    Europeans begin to reject the ideals placed on them, and to instead embrace rationalism, individualism, and progress.
  • John Locke Publishes Tabula Rasa

    John Locke Publishes Tabula Rasa
    John Locke Publishes his manifesto "Tabula Rasa" which includes psychological ideal pertaining to human society
  • Napolean is Born

    Napolean is Born
    Napolean Bonaparte is Born in Corsica.
  • The Guillotine is Invented

    The Guillotine is Invented
    The Guillotine is Invented for hopes of equality in death for all.
  • Meeting of Estates General

    Meeting of Estates General
    The three estates meet to discuss the country's economic crisis.
  • Collapse of the Estates General

    Collapse of the Estates General
    Member of Third Estate form National Assembly, challenging the monarchy, and campaigning for constitutional reform. The French Revolution begins.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    Representatives of the Third estate vowed to stay united until a Constitution was established.
  • Storming of Bastille

    Storming of Bastille
    With rumors of a military coup circling Paris, rebels storm the prison of Bastille, which was a symbol of royal authority.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    Declaration of the Rights of Man
    National Assembly adopts the Declaration of the Rights of Man.
  • The Friend of the People

    The Friend of the People
    Jean-Paul Marat publishes his paper, "The Friend of the People" a radical paper that fed into the revolution and led to many things such as the Reign of Terror, effectivly reaching the extreme when it comes to the Age of Enlightenment.
  • The Monarchy is Demolished

    The Monarchy is Demolished
    The National Assembly came together to pass a decree which formally abolished every Noble Title and forbid the use of any title that suggested such.
  • Thomas Paine Publishes "Rights of Man"

    Thomas Paine Publishes "Rights of Man"
    Thomas Paine publishes his work, inspired by the French people fighting for their rights, saying that every man has the right to freedom, expression, and religion.
  • Napolean Joins the Jacobins

    Napolean Joins the Jacobins
    Napolean Bonaparte Joins the Jacobins, a pro democracy group that would help aid in his rise to power.
  • The French Declare War on Austria

    The French Declare War on Austria
    The people of France declare War on Austria, their former queens homeland.
  • The King is Killed

    The King is Killed
    King Louis XVI is publicly executed by guillotine, a big win for the French revolution.
  • Charlott Corday Wants Peace

    Charlott Corday Wants Peace
    Charlotte Corday kills John Paul Marat, in an attempt to end the violence his paper has caused.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

    After the kings execution mass beheadings follow by order of Maximillien Robespierre, it will end with his own execution.
  • The Queen is Killed

    The Queen is Killed
    Marie Antoinette Is beheaded and largely blamed for the countries economic crisis, tired for treason and incest.
  • Robespierre Calls for His Opponents Execution

    Robespierre Calls for His Opponents Execution
    As the head of the Committee of Public safety, his associates began to disagree with his ways, as the reign of terror raged on. Once he hears of their opposition, he calls for their heads to be cut off.
  • The Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte

    The Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte
    Napoleon overthrows the directory of France, and declares himself first consul of France. He is later named Emperor.
  • The Napolianic Code

    The Napolianic Code
    The Civil or Napolionic Code is created and enforced.
  • Napolean in Exiled

    Napolean in Exiled
    Napolean is Exiled to St. Helena and is left there until he dies in 1821.
  • The Age of Enlightenment Ends

    The Age of Enlightenment Ends
    While its philosophy is still around and often used in society, the Age of Radical Enlightenment ended around 1815