Frida kahlo

Frida Kahlo

By Fyvia
  • Born

    Frieda Kahlo Calderon is born as third daughter of Matilde Calderon de Kahlo, Mexican, and Wilhelm Kahlo, German, in Coyoacan, a suburb of Mexico City.
  • Polio

    She contracts polio, which leaves her with a slightly crooked right foot. She attends the Colegio Aleman elementary school in Mexico City.
  • College

    She attends the Escuela Nacional Preparatoria with a view to studying medicine at university. She admires Diego Rivera at work at her school on fresco "The Creation."
  • Traffic accident

    is seriously injured in a collision between a tram and the bus in which she and her friend Alejandro Gomez Arias are travelling home from school. She spends a month in the Red Cross Hospital and starts painting during her convalescence.
  • Diego Rivera

    She became a member of the Mexican Communist Party and meets Diego Rivera again. They fall in love. In his fresco "Ballad of the Revolution", which he paints in the Ministry of Public Education, he depicts her wearing a red blouse and a star on her breast, distributing weapons for the revolutionary struggle.
  • Marriage

    Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera are married. The couple live first in an apartment in the centre of Mexico City and then, while Rivera is executing a mural commission, in Cuernavaca. Kahlo leaves the Communist Party when Rivera is expelled from it.
  • First miscarriage

    Owing to the incorrect position of the fetus, Frida Kahlo's first pregnancy is terminated at the start of the year. Rivera is offered commission in the USA, and in November the couple move to San Francisco.
  • Second Miscarriage

    Due to "infantilism of the ovaries", Frida Kahlo's third pregnancy is again terminated at three months. Her right foot is operated on for the first time, and several toes are removed. Diego Rivera has an affair with her younger sister, Cristina.
  • Separation

    Frida Kahlo leaves the house in San Angle for several months and takes her own apartment. She meets the American sculptor Isamu Noguchi and has an affair with him. She travels to New York with a number of women friends.
  • First exhibition

    The first solo exhibition of Frida Kahlo's works is held in October/November in Julien Levy's gallery in New York. It is a great success. She begins an affair with the photographer Nickolas Muray.
  • Remarried with Diego

    In September Frida travels to San Francisco for treatment from Dr. Eloesser. There, on 8 December, Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera are married for a second time.
  • Spine operation

    She goes to New York for an operation on her spine.
  • Health problems

    She undergoes a total of seven operation on her spine and spends nine months in hospital.
  • She dies

    She catches pneumonia, but while still convalescing, and against the advice of her doctors, nevertheless takes part in a demonstration against North-American intervention in Guatermala. On 13 July Frida Kahlo dies in the Blue House.
  • Frida Kahlo's museum

    The Museo Frida Kahlo is opened and presented to the Mexican nation in accordance with the wishes of Diego Rivera, who died in 1957.