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Development of the Early Christian Church: 33-451 AD

  • 33

    St. Peter

    St. Peter
    St. Peter is an essential figure in the Church’s development. Originally being named Simon, was born in Bethsaida. When meeting Jesus, he became the main apostle and built the Church for Jesus.
  • 33

    Pentecost: The Coming of the Holy Spirit

    Pentecost: The Coming of the Holy Spirit
    Pentecost took place in 33 AD. It was the fiftieth day after Easter and it commemorates the Holy Spirit coming upon the Apostles.
  • Period: 33 to 451

    33 AD - 451 AD

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    Council of Jerusalem

    Council of Jerusalem
    The Council of Jerusalem was the Apostolic council in Jerusalem. This council made decisions that Gentile Christians didn’t have to follow the law of Jews. Gentiles were furthermore welcomed into the Church and were included.
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    The Persecution of Christians under Nero

    The Persecution of Christians under Nero
    To use distraction from his own fails, Nero quickly put the blame on Christians, blaming them for the Great Fire of Rome. Due to the small amount of Christians in Rome, Christian rituals were mistaken as incest and cannibalism. Nero tortured and arrested Christians by crucifying, throwing them to wild animals, or burning them alive. This persecution occurred for many years.
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    Conversion of Constantine

    Conversion of Constantine
    Being the first emperor to convert to Christianity, Constantine converted at the battle of Milvian Bridge. It marked the Roman Empire’s transition to the Christian Church.
  • 325

    Nicene Creed/First Council of Nicea

    Nicene Creed/First Council of Nicea
    The Nicene Creed was established in the First Council of Nicea and is a statement of faith using key beliefs about The Holy Trinity. “We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth …”
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    From the early 3rd century to the 4th century, monasticism came to life. Monasticism is a religious way of living, being isolated from other people. It is also called monachism or monkhood. Members have self discipline and pursue spiritual practices. This was essential for having and maintaining enlightenment and holiness.
  • 451

    Council of Chalcedon

    Council of Chalcedon
    Being the fourth ecumenical council of the Catholic Church, the Council of Chalcedon was held in modern day Kadiköy, Turkey. This was led by Pope Leo I and Archbishop Flavian of Constantinople and worked toward religious debates. The council gave the church a more stable structure and decided that Jesus is both fully divine and fully human, a belief in our faith.