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Healthcare History through All Ages

  • 200

    Galen; tracheotomy

    Galen; tracheotomy
    Galen, a greek doctor, performed tracheotomy with his medical knowledge and his belief in the four body humors.
  • Period: 200 to Dec 31, 1500

    The Middle Ages

    Barber-surgeons cut hair, perform surgery; barber pole symbol popularized
  • Jan 1, 1000

    Surgery Profession

    Surgery Profession
    The profession rose with more writings and works considering the process of examining the inside of the human body.
  • Jan 1, 1140


    A Sicilian named Roger required doctors to have a medical license to practice, a hint of regulation.
  • Jan 1, 1200

    English Hospitals

    English Hospitals
    About 400 hospitals were built in the cities, towns, and villages in England.
  • Jan 1, 1289

    Medical School at Montpellier

    Medical School at Montpellier
    The medical school at Montpellier allowed people with a medical license to teach at the school, regardless of religious background. Later the school of anatomy was built
  • Jan 1, 1300

    Islamic Hospitals

    Islamic Hospitals
    Muslims followed the Quran and Hadiths, which told the people to care for the sick, establishing places where the sick could be treated.
  • Jan 1, 1345

    Cause of Black Plague

    Cause of Black Plague
    A French doctor, Guy de Chauliac, said Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars are in close position, a sign of great and disasterous was going to happen.
  • Jan 1, 1348

    Black Plague

    Black Plague
    The "Black Plague" ravaged Europe from middle Asia and killed about 1/3 of the European population
  • Jan 1, 1400

    Frenchwoman denied practicing healthcare

    Frenchwoman denied practicing healthcare
    A French woman named Jacoba Felicie was denied to practice healthcare when women were forbidden to do so.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1501 to

    The Renaissance

  • Sep 11, 1530

    printing press

    printing press
    The printing press became more popular in medical healthcare to make books about the experiments and discoveries of scientists and doctors aloke.
  • Jan 1, 1545

    Pare and wound treatment

    Pare and wound treatment
    Ambroise Pare wrote a book about his military experiences and about how to properly treat wounds.
  • Jan 1, 1567

    Paracelsus and his Books

    Paracelsus and his Books
    Paracelsus was a Swiss scientist who thought diseases were due to chemicals in the body instead of the four humors.
  • Use of Scientific Method Begins

    Use of Scientific Method Begins
    The scientific method became a more common process of researching to find more evidence-based conclusions about medicine and diseases.
  • Harvey and Dogs

    Harvey and Dogs
    William Harvey studied dying dogs and their hearts. He discovered that it pumped blood throughout the body and that it had 2 chambers.
  • Malpighi and capillaries

    Malpighi and capillaries
    Marcello Malpighi was the first to discover capillaries, tubes that circulate blood throughout the body.
  • Robert Hooke - reflective microscope

    Robert Hooke - reflective microscope
    Robert Hooke was an English philosopher, architect, and scientist who created the reflective microscope to study cells and the body parts of flies.
  • First Blood Transfusion

    First  Blood Transfusion
    The Royal Society in London performed an experiment in transfering blood from one dog to another.
  • Antonie von Leeuwenhoek describes bacteria

    Antonie von Leeuwenhoek describes bacteria
    Antonie von Leeuwenhoek was considered as the "father of microbiology", who improved the microscope and found tiny microorganisms such as bacteria and muscle fibers.
  • Francis Bacon and Plague Fleas

    Francis Bacon and Plague Fleas
    Francis Bacon used the microscope to discover plague fleas, the initial cause of the Bubonic Plague.
  • Period: to

    The Industrial Revolution

  • English and the first vaccine

    An English doctor named Edward Jenner injected people with fluid from smallpox blisters to see if the injection could help people fight the cowpox disease.
  • Parish of Bradford

    The Parish of Bradford's poor were taken care of by a workhouse prior to the Poor Law Amendment Act.
  • Louis Pasteur and Microbiology

    Louis Pasteur was a chemist who disproved the idea that bacteria came from nothing with spontaneous generation.
  • Joseph Lister; medical asipsis

    Joseph Lister used the method of sterile surgery like medical asipsis for better surgeries that did not cause infections afterwards for the patients.
  • Robert Koch's pathogen discovery

    Robert Koch discovered certain bacteria, also known as pathogens, that contribute to the cause and spread of diseases.
  • Ignaz Semmelweis and hand washing

    Ignaz Semmelweis, and Austrian, studied the effects of hand washing with bacteria, promoting the importance of hand washing.
  • John Snow stops cholera

    A physician named John Snow studied and experimented to find a cure that eventually did eventually ceased the unstoppable spread of cholera.
  • Artisans and Labourers Dwellings Act

    The act gave local authorities to destroy buildings that lacked proper sewage drainage and garbage disposal.
  • Marie Curie; science of radioactivity

    Marie Curie was a physicist worked in the science of radioactivity with uranium rays, found that they were constant. She theorized that the rays came from the element's atomic structure.
  • Bubonic plague hits San Francisco

    The Bubonic plague attacked San Francisco in Chinatown, which reignited racial prejudices about the Chinese.
  • Period: to

    The Modern World

  • Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin

    Alexander Fleming discovered the antibiotic called penicillin. He found a way to prevent diseases from affecting people before they actually affect them.
  • First HMO insurance

    The first HMO insurance was to eliminate individual healthcare which was approved by both Democrats and Republicans.
  • Salk discovers polio vaccine

    American medical researcher Dr. Jonas Salk created and tested a vaccine for poliomyelitis.
  • WHO declares smallpox eradicated

    WHO (the World Health Organization) officially declared that smallpox has been eradicated, but some live virus samples have been preserved.
  • AZT against AIDS

    Azidothymidine (AZT) was used as an antiretroviral drug to give therapy for HIV/AIDS.
  • managed healthcare; growth in uninsured

    Healthcare became more regulated, controlling the cost and quality of services for customers. Due to growing costs more people are living without health insurance.
  • Steve Thomas and sterile maggots

    Steve Thomas used sterile maggots to use in treatment for infectious diseases.
  • Gardasil

    Gardasil is a vaccine that helps treat certain strains of human papillomaviruses, like HPV type 6, 11, 16, 18.
  • MIPPA provides incentives

    MIPPA is an incentive program that gives practicing specialists cash based on their Medicare payment claims.
  • 1st FDA-approved artificial heart

    The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved the first artificial heart that was implanted in a patient with great heart failures.
  • Rhazes' discovery

    Rhazes' discovery
    Rhazes discovered the difference between smallpox and measles