Henry VII Timeline (unfinished)

By Toreed
  • 1484

    Asked House of Lords and Commons to swear not to have illegal retainers

  • Aug 22, 1485

    Battle of Bosworth

    Henry VII killed Richard III. The tide of the battle turned in his favour after his stepfather Lord Stanley brought troops to support him
  • 1486

    Act of Resumption

    Increased Crown lands and resulted in income from crown lands increasing £29k to £42k. However, in order to not antagonise the nobility, Henry did not take all the lands he was entitled to. Greatest success was in the Duchy of Lancaster where he used his skills to increase the income ten-fold
  • 1486

    Stafford and Lovell rebellion

    Occurred when Henry was on a Royal Progress to the North. Uprising by Lord Lovell and Stafford Brothers who were Richard Supporters. Their plan failed because Henry heard of the plan and sent armed forces to give the rebels a choice b/w reconciliation or excommunication and death. Lovell fled to Flanders, Humphrey Stafford executed, and Thomas pardoned and remained loyal. In Wales, rebellion led by Herbets and Vaughans. There the rebellion was out down by Rhys ap Thomas.
  • 1487

    Simnel crowned King in Dublin

  • 1487

    Battle of Stoke

  • 1489

    Treaty of Medina del Campo

  • 1489

    Yorkshire Rebellion

  • 1489

    Treaty of Redon

    Treaty with Brittany
  • Period: 1491 to 1499

    Warbeck threat

  • 1492

    Treaty of Etaples

  • 1492

    Henry invades France

  • 1493

    Reinstated Council of Wales and the Marches

  • Period: 1493 to 1496

    Trade embargo with Burgandy

    Due to Margaret of Burgundy's support for Warbeck
  • 1494

    Poyning's law

  • 1495

    Warbeck goes to Scotland

  • 1496

    Magnus Intercursus

    Ends embargo with Burgundy
  • 1496

    Henry joins league of Venice

    An anti-French alliance between Pope Alexander VI, the Holy Roman emperor Maximilian I, Aragon's Ferdinand II, Venice, and Milan
  • 1496

    Warbeck and James attempt to invade England

  • 1497

    Cornish Rebellion

  • 1497

    Truce of Ayton

  • 1499

    Duke of Suffolk flees to France

  • 1499

    Earl of Warwick and Warbeck executed

  • 1501

    Edmund and Richard de la Pole flee to HRE

  • 1502

    Treaty of perpetual peace

    Margeret marries James IV of Scotland
  • Apr 2, 1502

    Death of Arthur

  • 1504

    Proclamation against retainers

  • 1506

    Duke of Suffolk imprisoned in tower

  • 1506

    Malus Intercursus

  • 1508

    League of Cambrai formed

    French and Spanish alliance
  • Apr 21, 1509

    Death of Henry VII