
  • Disastre of 98

    Disastre of 98
    Spain lost Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Filipines
  • Alfonso XIII assumes the throne upon reaching adulthood.

    Alfonso XIII assumes the throne upon reaching adulthood.
  • Tragic Week in Barcelona

    Tragic Week in Barcelona
    Protests and repression in Catalonia.
  • Crisis of 1917

    Crisis of 1917
    Military, worker, and political protests challenge the system.
  • Annual Disaster

    Annual Disaster
    Military defeat in Morocco with thousands of deaths.
  • Primo de Rivera's coup d'état

    Primo de Rivera's coup d'état
  • Resignation of Primo de Rivera

    Resignation of Primo de Rivera
    End of his dictatorship
  • Proclamation of the Second Republic

    Proclamation of the Second Republic
    Alfonso XIII leaves Spain