Historia de la Región de los Andes y Amazonas

  • 1500 BCE

    Volcanic Activity breaks up Pangea/Gondwana

    Volcanic Activity breaks up Pangea/Gondwana
    This was during the Jurassic Era, and some volcanic activity broke up the common theory of Pangea and Gondwana and started continental drift amongst land
  • 1000 BCE

    Techtonic plates under Pangea collide, creating Andes Mountains

    Techtonic plates under Pangea collide, creating Andes Mountains
    After Pangea and Gondwana broke up, the techtonic plates started to collide, creating mountain ranges in the latter half of South America which soon were named the Andes.
  • 1000 BCE

    Sediment of the Andes drop into Amazon Rainforest

    Sediment of the Andes drop into Amazon Rainforest
    After the Andes were formed, the sediments leftover dropped into the tretches of the Amazon and created soil that was fertile to promote growth of flora and basic fauna.
  • 1000 BCE

    Indigenous Tribes rule Peruvian land

    the Chavín unifying tribe ruled most of the land in pre-spaniard rule. Created the the Chavín de Huantar Ceremonial start
  • 600 BCE

    Huari Civilization

    Huari Civilization
    civilization that dominates the Andean region, is near the modern Ayacucho, remains for about 500 years until it falls to the incoming Incan era
  • 500 BCE

    Incan Civilization is found

    Incan Civilization is found
    Incan civilization is found int he Peruvian lands of the Andes and start to create structures and cities, some of the most common ones named as Cusco
  • Period: 1438 to 1572

    Incan Empire/Rule

    This includes from the time they were found (not created) to the end of the empire. They cultivated the lands to provide them many crops that are produced today and raised animals like alpacas, llamas, guinea pigs. Pizarro overthrew this empire and claimed it by Spain.
  • 1450

    Machu Picchu Created

    Machu Picchu Created
    Machu Picchu was a traditional building created that was believed to occupy 500-750 people at a time. This was built in the Incan empire and and was believed to get people closer to the sun through God
  • 1543

    Lima Become Colonial Capital

    Lima becomes the colonial Capital of Peru during the Incan rule after the formation of some of the first colonial government systems
  • Period: to

    Colonization Starts

    Colonizers from the Eastern world started moving over to the New World and assimilating the Indigenous tribes originally living in Lima, and all of Peruvian land. Tribes start capturing the religion of Christianity and start having fits of sickness due to the exposure of new germs. This also starts to shape the language aspect of Spanish, bringing in English and applying it to Castellanian Spanish.
  • Last Incan Ruler Executed

    Last Incan Ruler Executed
    Tupac Amaru II, claiming to be the last Incan Ruler, tried to claim back some of the traditional values and culture of the Incan Empire. This eventually ended the empire with his execution by the colonizers of Peruvian land
  • Period: to

    War of Independence

    War lasts 14 years, the two fighting sides were the Spanish Royalists who wanted to claim Peru completely for Spain, and the "Creole" revolutionaries, most notably led by José de San Martín. The invasion of the Spainard rule was successful and Peruvians claimed the land theirs.
  • Slavery Abolished

    Slavery Abolished
    Slavery was abolished by Ramon Castilla, making it a country very early on to abolish the use of slaves (specifically from some of the trans-atlantic trade)
  • Period: to

    Political Reformation

    This was a time of political reformation. Two separate groups, APRA and the Peruvian Communist Party, were formed. 3 separate coup's were performed to help industrialization of the government through economic reform. A Guerilla group formed, and was demanded against government rule.
  • El Niño Causes Great Floods

    flooding broke out across the coast of Peru, damaging homes of civilians and many losing their lives. Started an uprise in citizens wanting political reform and help for them in everyday life.
  • Fujimori Flees

    Fujimori Flees
    Fujimori, a president known for the way he decreased inflation, resigned following some political scandals and ends up fleeing the country, leaving the citizens without their government's leader.
  • Agreement Signed with the US for Free Trade

    Agreement Signed with the US for Free Trade
    Peru, after welcoming their first Amerindian President Alejandro Toledo, signed a free trade agreement with the US, which helped boost the economy and bring jobs to workers around the country.
  • First Female President

    First Female President
    Dina Boluarte is a member of the Marxist Free Peru party and has done well in her campaign as President. Her reign has been seen as conservative and is seen positively by many Peruvian counterparts.