
  • 1419

    Navigation School

    Navigation School
    Prince Henry would establish a school in 1914. This school is known as the “School Of Sangres”
  • 1488

    Sail Cape of Good Hope

    Sail Cape of Good Hope
    Bartolomeu Dias a Portuguese explorer would sail around Cape of Good Hope in 1488. He would be known as the first European explorer to sail around the southern tip of Africa.
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus lands

    Christopher Columbus lands
    Christoper Columbus lands in the Bahamas in 1492. He would make the first known European discovery of the America’s!
  • 1497

    John Cabot sails to NA

    John Cabot sails to NA
    John Cabot an Italian explorer sails to North America in 1497 where he will claim land for England.
  • 1498

    Reaching India

    Reaching India
    Vancouver Da Gama a Portuguese explorer would reach India, this would lead to them discovering a sea route to Asia. He is the first known explorer to discover India at the time.
  • 1500

    Discovering Brazil

    Discovering Brazil
    Pedro Alvares Cabral a Portuguese navigator discovers Brazil in 1500.
  • 1513

    Conquers Inca Empire

    Conquers Inca Empire
    Juan Ponce De Leon explores Florida in 1513. Claiming Florida for Spain.
  • 1521

    Conquers Aztec Empire

    Conquers Aztec Empire
    Hernan Cortes a Spanish Conquistador led the conquest of the Aztec Empire and successfully conquests in 1521.
  • 1524

    East Coast Exploration

    East Coast Exploration
    Giovanni Da Verrenzzano explores the east coast of North America to get information for France in 1524
  • 1532

    Conquers Inca Empire Peru

    Conquers Inca Empire Peru
    Francisco Pizarro is a Spanish Conquistador, he is best known for leading the conquest of the Inca Empire. He successfully conquers the empire in 1532/1533.
  • 1534

    Claiming Canada

    Claiming Canada
    Jacques Cartier a French explorer would sail and claim Canada for France in 1534
  • 1577


    Sir Francis Drake was the first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe.
  • Jamestown Establishment

    Jamestown Establishment
    In 1607 the establishment of the Jamestown colony in Virginia occurred. It was successful.
  • Quebec founding

    Quebec founding
    Samuel De Champlain founds Quebec in Canada, now one of the oldest cities in Canada. They would establish a permanent French settlement.
  • Hudson River Exploration

    Hudson River Exploration
    Henry Hudson explores the Hudson River in 1610. He then goes on and claim parts of North America for England during his exploration.
  • Mississippi River Exploration

    Mississippi River Exploration
    Louis Jolliet and Father Jacques Marquette explore the Mississippi River, there the first known non-natives to explore it.