
History of Oceanography

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    A greek mathematician who determined that the earh's circumference was 42000 KM. (Actually 40032 km.) He used trigonometry and the angle of the sun from the earth.
  • Jan 1, 700


    Norse Pirates (from Norway, Sweden, Finland.) Explored so that they could find places to plunder.
  • Feb 27, 1490

    Prince Henry and the Trade Routes

    Prince Henry and the Trade Routes
    Prince Henry the Navigator of Portugal funded explorers to sail around Africa to find trade routes to Asia.
  • Feb 28, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Christopher Columbus lands in the west indies and thinks that he is in Asia. Gets the credit for discovering North America when he didn't really land on the mainland.
  • Feb 27, 1519


    in 1519, Magellan set sail to travel around (circumavigate) the world.
  • Feb 27, 1521

    Magellan in the Phillipines

    Magellan in the Phillipines
    Magellan is killed in the Phillipines.
  • Feb 27, 1522


    The 18 remaining members of Magellan's crew finish sailing around the world. However, Magellan gets all the credit for being the first to travel around the world.
  • Histoire Physique de la Mer

    Histoire Physique de la Mer
    The fisrt book that talked soley about ocean science. Written by Luigi Marsigli.
  • Captain James Cook #1

    Captain James Cook #1
    English voyager. Mapped the pacfic ocean. Gathered data on many aspects of the ocean including the geology, geography, biology and chemistry. He took three voyages to collect all of his data. His first voyage started in 1768.
  • Captain James Cook #1

    Captain James Cook #1
    Captain James Cook first voyage ended in 1771
  • Captain James Cook #2

    Captain James Cook #2
    Cook's second voyage started in 1772.
  • Captain James Cook #2

    Captain James Cook #2
    He second voyage ended in 1775.
  • The Gulf Stream

    The Gulf Stream
    Benjamin Franklin mapped the course of the gulf stream to help with shipping the mail between England and the US.
  • Captain James Cook #3

    Captain James Cook #3
    His third voyage started in 1778
  • Captain James Cook

    Captain James Cook
    His third voyage ended in 1779
  • HMS Beagle

    HMS Beagle
    Charles Darwin boarded the HMS Beagle. He was the ship's naturalist and observed the fossils of the continents and islands they landed on, such as the Giant Sloth of South America. On the Galapagos Islands, he also observed the differences between the island's finches and the island's tortoises. From these observations, he came up with the theory of natural selection. He also came up with the theory of atolls from observing the atolls.
  • HMS Beagle

    HMS Beagle
    The HMS Beagle returns from it's 5yr voyage around the world.
  • HMS Challenger

    HMS Challenger
    The HMS Challenger was the first ship that was funded for the scientific purpose of studying the ocean, such as the salt content, currents and depth of the ocean. It was a British ship and founded the deepest point in the mariana trench (the deepest trench in the world), which was named after it--the challenger deep.
  • Polar Ice Flow

    Polar Ice Flow
    Fridtjof Nansen sailed to the north pole to see if there was land up there. Enter by Alaska and came out by Greenland three years later, proving that the North Pole is landless because of the currents
  • DSV Alvin

    DSV Alvin
    WHOI (Woodshole Oceanographic Institute) aquired the submersable Alvin in 1964. The submersable can go down to 4,5000 metres. Alvin was named after the designer, Allyn Vine and is owned by the US Navy.
  • H-Bomb

    Alvin recovers some H-bombs that the Navy accidentally dropped in the Meditteranean Sea by Spain.
  • Mid-Atlantic Ridge

    Mid-Atlantic Ridge
    Through the FAMOUS program, Alvin goes to observe the mid-atlantic ridge.
  • East Pacific Rise

    East Pacific Rise
    Alvin explored the east pacific rise and found hydrothermal vents (black smokers). People thought that the guys in Alvin were crazy at first.
  • RMS Titanic

    RMS Titanic
    Alvin discovers where the RMS Titanic had sunk to the bottom of the ocean.
  • Alvin 2.0

    Alvin 2.0
    Alvin is currently being completly remodeled and made anew. :)
  • Leif Eriksson and North America

    Leif Eriksson and North America
    Leif Eriksson was the son of Erik the Red and was also an explorer. He was the first European to come to North America (beyond Greenland). He landed in Nova Scotia, which he called "Vineland"
  • Erik the Red and Greenland

    Erik the Red and Greenland
    Greenland was discovered b Erik the Red (called so because of the colour of his hair) when he was exiled from Norway, then Iceland because of some killings. He went back to Iceland and later returned to Greenland with 500 other people and domestic animals to settle Greenland