History of the Internet

  • Period: to

    History of the Internet

  • Creation of ARPANET

    Creation of ARPANET
    The U.S. Department of Defense established ARPANET ( Advanced research Projects Agency Network) to connect different research institutions and allow them to share information.
  • First successful message sent over ARPANET

    First successful message sent over ARPANET
    The first successful message is sent over ARPANET. the message "LO" was meant to be "LOGIN" but the system crashed after only 2 letters.
  • Email was developed

    Email was developed
    Email was developed by Ray Tomlinson allowing messages to be shared between users.
  • First International Internet connection

    First International Internet connection
    ARPANET was connected to universities in England and Norway.
  • Introduction of TCP/IP

    Introduction of TCP/IP
    Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol allowed various networks to connect.
  • First Domain Name Registered

    First Domain Name Registered
    Symbolics.com registered the first ever domain name
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    Tim Berners-Lee proposed the idea of the World Wide Web, to create a universal information system
  • First Website

    First Website
    Time Berners-Lee creates the first ever website
  • Mosaic Browser

    Mosaic Browser
    created by Marc Andreessen, The Mosaic web browser was the first widely used browser
  • First Online Store

    First Online Store
    Jeff Bezos creates the first online store Amazon
  • Windows 95 released

    Windows 95 released
    Windows releases Windows 95 and easy to use interface to access the internet
  • Google Founded

    Google Founded
    Larry Page creates google, revolutionizing the way we use the internet
  • Wikipedia

    Wikipedia is created, a collaborative online encyclopedia
  • Facebook created

    Facebook created
    Mark Zuckerberg creates and launches Facebook, the largest social media platform
  • YouTube Founded

    YouTube Founded
    YouTube was created allowing and easy platform to upload and share videos.
  • First Iphone

    First Iphone
    Steve Jobs and Apple release the first iPhone, introducing the mobile internet
  • Google Chrome Launched

    Google Chrome Launched
    Google creates Google Chrome a fast web browser.
  • Instagram Founded

    Instagram Founded
    Instagram was founded, a photo sharing social media platform and quickly took over the social media space
  • Net Neutrality debated

    Net Neutrality debated
    Net Neutrality became a hot topic after people wanted to place regulations on the internet. ultimately the people wanted all internet traffic treated equally.
  • Global Internet penetration

    Global Internet penetration
    over 60% of the worlds population has access to the interne t