Desegregation of Fort Des Moines
This became a sight for African Americans Military history, training Black officers during WWI. -
NAACP Formation
The NAACP played a big role in establishing civil rights and boycotts. -
Jackie Robinson Breaks the Color Barrier
Jackie Robinson became the first Black player in Major League Baseball, playing for the Brooklyn Dodgers. -
Edna Griffin’s Sit-In
Edna Griffin led a sit-in against segregation which led to a successful lawsuit against the company. -
Executive Order 9981
President Harry S. Truman desegregated the U.S. Armed Forces. -
Portland’s Civil Rights Landmarks
Portland’s Civil Rights Landmarks has a lot of important landmarks in the civil rights like the Mount Olives Baptist Church. -
Street Rally in New York Protests Against Killing of Emmett Till
Emmett Till was murdered at age 14 for allegedly whistling at a white woman. -
Montgomery Bus Boycott
This was influenced by Rosa Park’s arrest, which led to Supreme Court banning segregation on public buses. -
Eisenhower Sends Troops to Little Rock
Federal troops implement segregation of Little Rock Central High School in Arkansas -
Freedom Group Hangs Signs on Bus
Members of the “Washington Freedom Riders Committee” hang signs that protested against segregation from bus windows in Washington D.C. -
Albany Movement
Was a desegregation campaign that wanted to eliminate racial segregation in the city. -
University of Mississippi Riots
James Meredith became the first Black student to enroll and violent protests happened which resulted in 2 dead and 300 injured. -
Birmingham Campaign
Movement made by Southern Christian Leadership Conference to make people see the integration attempts of African Americans -
The “Stand in the SchoolHouse Door”
Alabama Governor George Wallace attempted to physically block two Black students from enrolling at the University of Alabama. -
16th Street Baptist Church Bombing
KKK members bombed a Black church in Birmingham Alabama, killing four Black girls. -
Freedom Summer
Movement to increase the number of Black voters. -
Opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Senator Storm Thurmond of South Carolina tried to stop the bill with a 24 hour speech against it. -
Civil Rights Act
President Lyndon prohibited discrimination in public places and provided for the integration of schools. -
Bloody Sunday-Selma to Montgomery March
Peaceful civil rights marchers were brutally attacked by Alabama state troopers and local police as they tried to cross the Edmund Pettit bridge in Selma and this was put out over national television. -
Voting Rights Act Amendments
The Voting Rights Amendments protects everyone’s right to vote and does not allow discrimination -
Fair Housing Act
Prohibited discrimination based on gender, race, and religion in sales like houses, etc. -
Title IX
A federal law that prohibits gender based discrimination in education programs. -
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Established as a Federal Holiday
President Ronald Reagan signed the bill making MLK Day a national holiday. -
Civil Liberties Act
The U.S. government formally apologized for the internment of Japanese Americans during WWII. -
Family and Medical Leave Act
This gave families job-protected leave for family or medical reasons. -
Protests Against Proposition 187
California pass3 proposition 187, which wanted to deny undocumented immigrants public service. This was met with mass protests and was later overturned. -
California Proposition 209
This banned affirmative action in public employment, education, and contracting. -
Gutter v. Bollinger
The Supreme Court upheld affirmative action in university admissions, affirming that race can be one of many factors considered. -
Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act
Spread federal hate crime laws to include crimes based on gender, disabilities, etc. -
Black Lives Matter Movement
This was formed after the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the killing of Trayvon Martin.