1896 BCE
Plessy V Ferguson
Is saying that racial segregation does not violate the U.S. Constitution -
Bus Boycott
The Montgomery bus Boycott was a protest campaign against the policy of racial segregation on the public transit system In Alabama. -
Ban The Bomb Protests
Anti- Nuclear Activists coordinate worldwide protests against nuclear weapons -
USSR Tests Hydrogen Bomb
The Soviet Union fires a 50-megaton hydrogen bomb. -
Nixon loses Governors Race
Nixon blames his California defeat on the media, saying, “you won’t have Nixon to kick around anymore, because, gentlemen, this is my last press conference” -
Kennedy Assassinated
President John F. Kennedy is shot and killed in Dallas, Texas -
Democrats Hire Aid Agency
Democrats hire a top-10 ad agency for the ‘64 campaign. Agency produces a number of hard-hitting spots, including the, “ Daisy Ad.” -
Malcom X Assassinated
The Nation of Islam leader is killed -
Johnson Signs Medicare Bill
The legislation establishes a health program for the elderly. -
Black panther party Founded
Bobby Seale and Huey Newton found the Black Panthers in Oakland, CA -
Edward Brook Elected
The republican from Massachusetts becomes the first African American senator in 85 years -
SSFU student Strike
Five month student strike begins at San Fransisco University -
Shirley Chisholm Elected to Congress
Shirley Chisholm becomes first African American women elected to Congress