Hitler gets put in charge
Hitler becomes chancellor -
Boycott of Jewish owned businesses
Members of the Storm Troopers (SA), with boycott signs, block the entrance to a Jewish-owned shop. One of the signs exhorts: "Germans! Defend yourselves! Don't buy from Jews!" Berlin, Germany. -
An early concentration camp
Many of the early concentration camps were improvised. Here, roll call is held for political prisoners aboard a ship used as a floating concentration camp. Ochstumsand camp, near Bremen, Germany -
Race Laws
In the fall of 1935, German Jews lost their citizenship according to the definitions posed in these new regulations. Only "full" Germans were entitled to the full protection of the law. This chart was used to aid Germans in understanding the laws. White circles represent "Aryan" Germans, black circles represent Jews, and partially shaded circles represent “mixed raced” individuals. The chart has columns explaining the "Deutschbluetiger" [German-bloods], -
A destitute child in the Warsaw ghetto
An emaciated child eats in the streets of the Warsaw ghetto. Warsaw, Poland. -
One of the people the were killed in the gas chambers
Helene was one of 9,772 persons gassed that year in the Brandenburg "euthanasia" center. She was officially listed as dying in her room of "acute schizophrenic excitement." -
Jews are forced into boxcars for deportation to the Belzec killing center. -
Little girls that got killed
A group of young girls poses in a yard in the town of Ejszyszki (Eishyshok). The Jews of this shtetl were murdered by the Einsatzgruppen on September 21, 1941. Photo taken before September 1941. -
Forced labor sorting confiscated clothing
Jewish women sort confiscated clothing in the Lodz ghetto. Photograph taken by Mendel Grossman between 1941 and 1944. -
The police shoving people in to the transportation box cars
Deportation from the Westerbork transit camp