Jordyn Theeuwen

By ksnell9
  • Britain and the Middle East

    Britain and the Middle East
    Britan had been in leading power in the Middle east . britain controlled the Suez Canal and most of Egypt.
  • Palestine

    Britain declared the Balfour Declaration to help establish a national home for Jews in Paelstine.
  • oil resources

    oil resources
    The British agreed to let the US oil companies participate in the development of the Middle East's oil resources.
  • Zionists

    Between 1922-1939 Zionists moved to Palestine. The Jewish population grew from 84,000 to 445,00.
  • Treaty

    Saudi Arabia signed an 60 year agreemtn with the Standard Oil of California in exchange for 175,000$ and hte promise of royalty payments.
  • President Roosevelt

    President Roosevelt
    Presiedent Franlin Roosevelt started providing aid to the Saudi monarchy because they were almost collapsing due to the war.
  • Organization

    An organiztion was founded to serve the common good of Arab countries.
  • Palestine

    The Birtish announced they would leave Palestine and turn the responsibility for the mandate to the United Nations.
  • Maintain

    Britsih officials told the US they could not maintain their power in the Middle East.
  • Israel

    Israel was created and complicated the US efforts to retain friendsin the Persian Gulf.
  • Recognition

    Israel proclaimed itself a state and won recognition from the US and the Soviet Union but other arab states refused to recognize Israel.
  • Zionists

    The Zionists siezed a large portion of land the the UN had designated for the Palestinians.
  • Nasser

    Nasser emerged as Egypts leader.
  • Egypt and Syria

    Nasser merged Egypt and Syria so he could begin his pan- Arabist campaign.
  • JFK

    John F. Kennedy approved the sale of advanced anti-aircraft missiles to Irael along with a loan.
  • Surprise attack

    Surprise attack dtroying most of the Egyptian and Syrian air forces on the ground.
  • Anwar al-Sadat

    Anwar al-Sadat came to power in Egypt.
  • egypt and Syria

    Egypt and Syria opened a two-front offensive against israel on Yom Kippur.
  • Assassination

    Sadat was assassinated by political Islamist extremists.
  • Hebrews Unite

    Hebrews Unite
    Hebrews united under Saul, David, and Solomon. In the years 1020-922 BC
  • New Kingdom

    New Kingdom
    A new kingdom arised in Israel. 1020-922 BC
  • 2 Kingdims

    2 Kingdims
    2 Kingdoms that lasted for 200 years. Israel in the North and Judan in the South. Both playing tribute to assyrian empire. 738 BC
  • Jerusalem

    Jerusalem falls in the year 586 BC