
  • William green

  • The strike at homestead mill

    The strike at homestead mill
    Andrew Carnegie, fast economy made his business tear apart. this led to strike by cave miners and labor workers. workers weren't getting paid enough.
  • joe hill

  • Arthur Joseph Goldberg

  • Martin Luther king

  • I've been to mountain top

    I've been to mountain top
    Martin Luther KIng, rise of the American people. talks about the human rights revolution. negative actions on protests.
  • He showed us the way

    He showed us the way
    Cesar Chavez, Martin Luther king's memorial speech. talks about non violent riots. brings knowledge (knowing of) the workers not being treated right.
  • who burns for the perfection of paper

    Martin espada, talks about how people bleed and get injured during there jobs. It talks about how people don't appreciate the workers.
  • cesar Chavez

  • Puerto Rican obituary

    Puerto Rican obituary
    Pedro pietri, talking about how the workers die everyday (overwork). He talks about how well they work. talking about them all dieing hating each other due to hate.
  • Labors labors lost

    Labors labors lost
    Andrea HSU, a labor activist stood outside a labor office. Amazon refuses to have a sit down or negotiate a contact. union fighting