Melvin Newton leaves with Jen Ryan. Only meeting her 2 weeks earlier
Moses is born January 2015 -
Mom becomes The Key West Mermaid
I’m still taking the kids to sing but at Nina’s gigs now. Ian and Ariel are singing at Nina’s gigs. -
The older 3 children have a gig every Sunday for the last 4 years -
Oldest daughter has first psychotic episode and her dad kicks her out!
After Hurricane Irma my daughter had her first breakdown. I am helping her and she’s staying with me at my friends house. -
Oldest daughter gets diagnosed with manic bipolar disorder
We get evicted after Covid because work stopped for a few months, so my daughter moves back to her dad’s house. I’m living with my daughter up to this point. -
My oldest daughter has a baby
I’m still helping my daughter with my granddaughter -
Homeschool Ariel 7th grade
After Covid I had to homeschool Ariel for 7th grade because she brought home Covid and her dad got very sick. -
I have to go to California to help my 80 year old mother
I go help my mother for 11 months but my daughter needed me to return to help her -
Mom returns to help Nina with Rosie and the music business
And I return from California to help my daughter with my granddaughter however we don’t hav the money to move there yet because my kids need help because their dad left town. -
Melvin Newton moves to Gulfport and is staying at Jen Ryan’s house
Moves suddenly to St Pete after I returned from California. He went to stay with Jen Ryan and his son Moses. -
The children go to work for the summer and pay the bills
Ariel is 15 and had her first gig on bass guitar June 2023 with her sisters band. The kids agree to try and pay the bills for the summer -
We had to buy a washer and dryer
Melvin Newton left the washer broken. We couldn’t ask the landlord for a replacement because he already had 4 washers replaced by the landlord -
Melvin Newton returns suddenly to key west
Returns and demands that me and Nina and Naomi leave instantly -
Move to gardenview finally
Move to gardenview apartments -
We have to pay for the London band trip
pay $1,000 for London trip. Their dad has no money -
Ian and Ariel march in London new years parade with KWHS
Do not renew lease. Gain permission to stay at Newton st temporarily
We ask permission to stay at her dad’s house until we figure out what to do. We do not renew the lease at gardenview apartments. Daughter seems manic. -
Melvin Newton leaves town again
Melvin Newton has to take Ian to the airport for the Boston Berklee Summer program -
The kids pay August rent
Melvin Newton quit his jobs and he’s saying that his back hurts -
My mother send my kids 1,000$ for school stuff
My oldest daughter has psychotic episode
Nina has too much stress and has a psychotic episode -
My mother pays to turn back on electricity
Me and Nina are looking for a solution to pay the rent where my kids are living, however the landlord has given their dad a date to come up with the balance owed. -
My daughter gets released and goes back to work
Melvin Newton returns with 7 people to shelter for hurricane Helene
Already the house was full with me, Ian, Ariel, Naomi, Nina and Rose my granddaughter -
Melvin Newton gets arrested and he warns me and Naomi that we are next!
Melvin Newton goes to Bob Marley festival with reggae Lou band
Melvin Newton returns to shelter from hurricane Milton
The house is still full with people and they are destroying the house and bullying me and Naomi to leave. They are throwing away my stuff. -
Naomi gets arrested
Police came several times that day. Then her siblings blocked the front door and they attacked her. -
Mom gets arrested
Police knock looking for Melvin Newton, decide to take Mom instead