Life Map - Vanessa E

  • Birth

    I was born in Idaho in 2001 to a loving family with a mom, dad, and older sister. As the years went on, I would be followed by two younger sisters.
  • Diagnosed with asthma

    Diagnosed with asthma
    Age: 4, childhood
    System: micro
    In 2005, I had a late-night trip to the emergency room with panicked parents to find out that I was having an asthma attack. Although not a huge diagnosis, my asthma affected my life in many different ways throughout the years. Mostly, it has held me back from keeping up with peers in physical activity during my childhood.
  • Moved to new house

    Moved to new house
    Age: 5, childhood
    System: mezzo
    In the summer of 2006, my family moved across town to a bigger house for our multi-generational household. This impacted what school I went to, space I had to grow in, and the relationships I had with my family. I no longer slept in my parents' room; instead, I now would share a room with my older sister.
  • Parents start own trucking company

    Parents start own trucking company
    Age: 12, adolescence
    System: exo
    After a while of working for different companies, my dad decided with my mom to start their own company which has grown over the years. Although it didn't directly affect me, it did affect things such as income of my parents as well as time they had for childrearing.
  • Quinceñera

    Age: 15, adolescence
    System: micro
    In 2016, I got the chance to celebrate my coming of age, or quinceñera. This positively impacted my own self beliefs as well as my relationships with my family and friends.
  • Lockdown

    Age: 18, young adulthood
    System: macro, mezzo
    I vividly remember my senior year prom. That was the last day I saw all my classmates together. The following day, we went into lockdown due to the spread of COVID19. This pandemic had effects all across the nation and in everyone's personal lives as well.
  • High school graduation

    High school graduation
    Age: 18, adolescence
    System: micro, mezzo
    The graduations in 2020 were unlike any before them. Instead of walking across the stage, my classmates and I sat in our cars with our closest family as our names were called over a livestream. It was a bitter moment, not being able to close that chapter in our lives properly.
  • Engagement

    Age: 19, adolescence
    System: micro
    In December of 2020, my best friend and boyfriend proposed to me. I was delighted to say yes. This impacted me in a positive way by strengthening our relationship and my self views.
  • Maternal grandmother's passing

    Maternal grandmother's passing
    Age: 20, adolescence
    System: micro, mezzo
    After a long battle with cancer, my grandmother passed away in September of 2021. It absolutely rocked the very foundation of my mom's family. To this day, I still get choked up when thinking of her. It made me realize how fragile and fleeting life is.
  • Married

    Age: 20, adolescence
    System: micro, mezzo
    I once thought marriage was simply the union of people. As mine came and went, I realized that it is the union of families, of backgrounds, and of futures. In my case, it was also a union of cultures. It has not been easy learning certain things, but it has been worth every battle.
  • Graduated college

    Graduated college
    Age: 22, adolescence
    System: micro, mezzo
    In May of 2024, I finally got my chance to walk across the stage to receive my diploma. Not only did this bring change in my own life, it also led to a change in my environment after moving back to my hometown. Although college itself posed a challenge, I am proud that I was able to make it out and get to where I am today.
  • Election

    Age: 23, young adulthood
    System: macro
    In November of 2024, a monumental election took place which divided the nation. It strained relationships and completely changed the course of American history. The seeds of this change have been sown, but are yet to be reaped.
  • Started grad school

    Age: 23, young adulthood
    System: micro
    In January, I became the first of a generation to attend graduate school. Although daunting, I am excited by the opportunity to pursue my passions. I hope to be able to pave a path for my younger sisters and help inspire my older sister to follow her own dreams.
  • Life Map Project

    From this activity, I learned more about what monumental events led me to be who I am today. Although it was difficult to try narrowing it down, I believe that the events in this timeline can quickly sum up who I am and the things that I find most important.