Act to Promote Rural Electrification
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Baby Boom
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The Cold War
Refus Global Manifesto Published
Adoption of the Fleurdelisé (Québec’s Flag)
Asbestos Strike
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Korean War – Canada Joins UN Forces
Arrival of Television in Québec
Québec Introduces Provincial Income Tax (Fiscal Autonomy)
Contraception Becomes More Accessible
Rise of Americanism (Influence from the USA in Media & Culture)
Creation of the Department of Cultural Affairs
Establishment of CEGEPs and Université du Québec Network
Creation of the Ministry of Education (Parent Report Recommendations)
Bill 16 – Married Women Gain Legal Independence (Led by Marie-Claire Kirkland-Casgrain)
Expo 67 – Showcasing Québec’s Identity to the World
Charles de Gaulle’s “Vive le Québec libre” Speech
October Crisis – FLQ Kidnappings & War Measures Act
Introduction of Québec’s Medicare System (Health Insurance Act)
Period: to
Arrival of Refugees from Vietnam, Laos, & Haiti
James Bay Hydroelectric Project Announced
Period: to
The Oil Crises & Economic Downturn
James Bay and Northern Québec Agreement (JBNQA)
Adoption of Québec’s Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms
Bill 101 – The Charter of the French Language