By aoliva8
  • My Birth

    My Birth
    I was born on October 10th at 8:23 am in St Francis hospital in Blue Island, IL.
  • My first day of school

    My first day of school
    This was me getting ready to attend my first day of pre-school. I remember being nervous and excited to meet new people.
  • Met my stepmom

    Met my stepmom
    Meeting my stepmom was one of the most important times in my life. She raised me and is a big influence on the person I am today.
  • My surgery

    My surgery
    When I was in first grade I was rushed to the hospital during school and had to get emergency surgery. I had to stay in the hospital for a week and had many visitors. Going back to school felt so good since all of my classmates welcomed me back.
  • Dance recital

    Not too long after my surgery I had to learn my dance routine in a week. Through this I was being adaptable because even though I was still in pain and starting to walk again I didn't let it stop me.
  • Moved and started at a new school

    Moved and started at a new school
    Moving away from my family and friends was hard but it was for the best. I can imagine how I would've turned out if I didn't move with my stepmom. I made so may new friends and grew as a person.
  • Became a big sister

    Became a big sister
    My little sisters birth was very special for me since I grew up as an only child. I was very excited to take on the responsibilities of being a big sister.
  • Spirit Week Committee

  • Graduation

  • Visited where I'm from for the first time

    Visited where I'm from for the first time
  • Visited Mexico 2nd time

    Visited Mexico 2nd time
  • Sweet 16

    Sweet 16
  • Personal project fair

  • Made new friends

    Made new friends